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Stamina from ADs....

Didn?t want to make a new thread but looks like they increased our stamina ceiling??. Really hope they removed the 500 cap....


Rookie 2
Yup, lvl 53 - 350 stamina when it was about 240 before.
Looks like a 2 stamina increase per level.
Good grief, I wonder if they even know about the 500 stamina cap??? It's soo easy to go over that cap once you reach level 50! It's madness. Thanks for the extra stamina amount (helps for some, I'm sure, to be able to burn thru 6 hours of stamina and then be able to wait another 6 instead of the usual 4) but it's not good if we have to be on eggshells to make sure we don't level up at the wrong time (already a concern before today's change anyways).
Yeah, imagine you level up with 350 stamina, 210 to the trash...

Also, stamina refills cost 300 cash now.
Terrible move from EA! Everytime stamina refills just keeps going up. We used to be able to refill for 99 cash, now 300!!! Just ridiculous! I guess they finally figured out that it was better for us to buy stamina than to buy the 150-300 cash promo packs so they increased the cost of stamina to try and push us to these cash packs. For example the 300 promo cash packs gives one promo gold player but if you used 199 cash for a stamina refill you could get up to 2 promo golds once you exchange the collectibles so buying cash packs wasn't as rewarding as buying stamina.


Pro 1
how many ads are you guys getting in total in a week these days?

I think the last two weeks followed a 1+9+2 trend in the weekend for me. And not more than 1 ad in other days.

This week I think I had one ad total so far.


All-Star 1
Honestly, I maybe use ads once a day now due to increased stamina levels and nothing but SD to spend it on. I think I could still get two sets of 10 each day if I wanted.
Ya been having less ads too.. maybe 1/ 2 ads separated by 6-12 hrs

Me too, I used to be able to watch 10 on one device and 10 on another. Now even clearing cache and data doesn't work and I'm only able to watch 1-2 at a time spaced out throughout the day. I feel like someone read my tip on clearing cache and using 2 devices to maximize ad's and stopped it asap! This is something that has been working for me since season 1 and the moment I post about it it's fixed a few weeks later lol.


Rookie 1
Following on from this, anyone noticed number of ads dropped off massively today? I watched a few this morning to get some stamina for grinding but the rest of them disappeared it looks like? Noticed someone commented on buckeye?s insta earlier today that it had happened.


Pro 1
This week I had a big batch of ads Monday and Tuesday which was not the case in previous weeks. nothing today yet but didn't expect it either.


Rookie 1
Interesting. I would always get 10 per day basically. Resets midnight.

edlllpt - when you say big batch, more than 10 you would say?


All-Star 1
Interesting. I would always get 10 per day basically. Resets midnight.

edlllpt - when you say big batch, more than 10 you would say?

I'm still getting 20 per day in 2 batches of 10. Have to log out or change devices though to get the second batch of 10.


Pro 1
edlllpt - when you say big batch, more than 10 you would say?

about 10 in a row, not more than that, I think. Compared to days with 1 or 0 it's a big batch :lol:

I think I had about 250 and 270 st in both days as the ads emerged and hit the 500 cap stamina so if there were more to watch than 10 if I had 0 stamina at that point, I had no way to know.
The ads are stopping for a while as they need to change servers to get a new address provider. Apparently, there will be a Harvest stamina event I instead.


All-Star 1
My ads have been screwed up since they increased the player stamina cap. I haven't been getting 10 & 10. Hopefully the stamina event is good to us


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