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Stamina from ADs....


Rookie 3
is this android vs phone... one post on twitter noted that there appeared to be iphone issues last week think..

android.. and got stamina from the ads #winning


All-Star 1
Interesting insight from the Community Manager (EA Jenny) on EA's involvement with ads. She basically said the provider determines how often ads are displayed and they have little to no involvement other than being notified they are turned on. Hmmm...





All-Star 1
That can't be true because they keep coming with a Max of ten. And I still don't believe she really knows anything. Somebody told her they should make SD the same time limit as LVL and season and her response was that SD was always supposed to be a "quick" game. "Plug and Play" as she put it.....which makes absolutely no sense. Like she doesn't realize that SD is the longer mode....


All-Star 1
That can't be true because they keep coming with a Max of ten. And I still don't believe she really knows anything. Somebody told her they should make SD the same time limit as LVL and season and her response was that SD was always supposed to be a "quick" game. "Plug and Play" as she put it.....which makes absolutely no sense. Like she doesn't realize that SD is the longer mode....
Lol...that somebody was me! Haha


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
That can't be true because they keep coming with a Max of ten. And I still don't believe she really knows anything. Somebody told her they should make SD the same time limit as LVL and season and her response was that SD was always supposed to be a "quick" game. "Plug and Play" as she put it.....which makes absolutely no sense. Like she doesn't realize that SD is the longer mode....

I think she misunderstood that you wanted Showdown to be longer like the two LvL drives and the four Season quarters. Anyway, she has been answering a lot of questions lately so she?s doing all right.


All-Star 1
I think she misunderstood that you wanted Showdown to be longer like the two LvL drives and the four Season quarters. Anyway, she has been answering a lot of questions lately so she?s doing all right.
I clarified to her that I was only requesting to reduce SD quarter to resolve the abilities issue. She didn't respond to it though.
Still experiencing the bug, have't had Stamina reward in a while...

I've heard deleting the app and reinstalling can solve this...but be sure to at least link the accounts to gamecenter/facebook...at least the ones you don't want to lose. If it's a guest account, there's a risk it gets wiped completely.


All-Star 1
Still experiencing the bug, have't had Stamina reward in a while...

I've heard deleting the app and reinstalling can solve this...but be sure to at least link the accounts to gamecenter/facebook...at least the ones you don't want to lose. If it's a guest account, there's a risk it gets wiped completely.

Mine is connected to Gamecenter. So when I deleted app and reinstalled, GC remembered my team. Didn?t work though.


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