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Stamina from ADs....

I been working so hard on this, if anyone knows how to get the ads to pop up on a iPad or iPhone please pm me if so t want to say in here. I can?t even get them to pop up to begin with.


Rookie 1
Probably this month they reached a cap of maximum payment for each ad. Most of the ads I was looking were the same. They must find a wider portfolio of advertisers to make money.


Rookie 1
So nobody is getting ads since Friday? Not even the 10 we?re supposed to get? iOS or Android right?
All gone. We will get events I guess as a replacement but nowhere close to the stamina we were getting.
I saw this morning (after I posted this) where Jenny is saying they?re working on (presumably another?!) new ad service. What a cf...

I play Madden Mobile as well, our ads changed. I am back to getting to same amount of ads I used to get on MM. Nothing near to what we had but still good.


All-Star 1
All gone. We will get events I guess as a replacement but nowhere close to the stamina we were getting.
I saw this morning (after I posted this) where Jenny is saying they?re working on (presumably another?!) new ad service. What a cf...

I play Madden Mobile as well, our ads changed. I am back to getting to same amount of ads I used to get on MM. Nothing near to what we had but still good.
If you?re getting ads now consider yourself lucky. I haven?t seen anything since last Friday.


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