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Stamina from ADs....

Have you guys been getting stamina from watching the Ads??? I haven't gotten any in almost two days!

I even emailed EA and the reply was basically they use a 3rd party company for the ads, and the company tells EA whether we watched the AD completely, which then let's EA give the stamina.

Guys, I've even gotten the notification " thanks for watching, your reward is being processed"--And still no increase in stamina.

I've watched probably at least 15 ADs with not ONE increase of stamina from ADs the past two days.

Also, as an aside, if you are thinking of using rep to buy the showdown pack to unlock the Harden event, be aware that 1) they dont count previous packs bought before the event and 2) they do NOT count rookie packs.

I had been grinding showdown the past few days (wasn't much else to do aside from the Greeen/Ayton, which is a few silver players, yayy) and managed to get about 250k in rep. Each showdown pack costs 50k, so i think, perfect. I was relcutant, but I...
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I?ve been doing the ads though I?m not sure how regular they are. I got them this morning 15 mins after falling victim to the Showdown glitch. I try to watch them straight away as you never know if they?ll disappear or not.


All-Star 1
I?ve been doing the ads though I?m not sure how regular they are. I got them this morning 15 mins after falling victim to the Showdown glitch. I try to watch them straight away as you never know if they?ll disappear or not.

What?s the SD glitch?

Edit: Or did you mean the ?Showdown Pack? vs ?Rookies Showdown Pack? issue mentioned above?
I?ve been doing the ads though I?m not sure how regular they are. I got them this morning 15 mins after falling victim to the Showdown glitch. I try to watch them straight away as you never know if they?ll disappear or not.

What?s the SD glitch?

Edit: Or did you mean the ?Showdown Pack? vs ?Rookies Showdown Pack? issue mentioned above?

I've heard of a supposed "minor" glitch in showdown, but I dont know what it is.

With regard to showdown, personally, I think it happens far too often that I'll go against a team thats 5 points lower than me, and I outscore them by say 12, and as soon as I finish, the team 5 points lower than me outscored me by exactly 13! It's happened SO MANY TIMES to be just a coincidence, but maybe it's just me. Or, again, you outscore a team you're many rating points higher than, and the other team happens to outscore you by the exact amount to tie, and then you find out they shot 100 percent vs whatever your FG % was...
They definitely reduced the number of ads we can watch. I used to be able to watch ads on 2 different devices for double the stamina but this season I hardly ever see the watch ads option. I get it maybe once evvery 2 days but I have the same problem, after watching it I get no stamina and I can only watch 1 ad before it disappears.
The Showdown glitch is when you start a search with less than 40 stamina. I wasn?t paying attention to my stamina and had to forfeit.


Rookie 3
in EU, i wake up @ 8am.. 6hrs prior to "maintanence", pick up store pack, then FC and reset phone, i then get the ads straight away

maybe this will help get ads again

(PS: EU had NO ads for almost half a year due to the change in advertisiing laws.. so count yourself lucky only 2 days :) )
in EU, i wake up @ 8am.. 6hrs prior to "maintanence", pick up store pack, then FC and reset phone, i then get the ads straight away

maybe this will help get ads again

(PS: EU had NO ads for almost half a year due to the change in advertisiing laws.. so count yourself lucky only 2 days :) )

I removed the app entirely and re installed and finally got about 200 worth of stamina from the ads....but now nothing again lol.
thats all you get.. between 200-250

yes, i wasn't really expecting more after it finally came lol....i just wish they would remove the button if it wont give any at that time. i have watched so many advertisements and it will say you will get the reward, but nothing lol


Rookie 1
For my timezone, ads get refreshed at a set interval of 24h, exactly at 04:00, with no matter when you watched them throughout the day.

The ads are always 10, giving you a total of 250 stamina.

Sometimes while ingame, the big icon for ads on the left of Home Screen disappears. Closing the app and re-opening it will make it appear (considering you still have ads to watch).
I decide I'll buy a combination of rookie showdowns and the other showdowns since they both cost the same! Rookie showdown has a cooldown, so only could get one, and 4 of the other showdown. Did the event unlock after buying what I surely thought would be "five" showdown packs???? You bet it did NOT unlock!

So you decided to buy the wrong packs??. Man it's clear it's 5 showdown packs not rookie showdown packs. The content could not be more different. The Harden campaign has nothing to do with the rookie campaign
I decide I'll buy a combination of rookie showdowns and the other showdowns since they both cost the same! Rookie showdown has a cooldown, so only could get one, and 4 of the other showdown. Did the event unlock after buying what I surely thought would be "five" showdown packs???? You bet it did NOT unlock!

So you decided to buy the wrong packs??. Man it's clear it's 5 showdown packs not rookie showdown packs. The content could not be more different. The Harden campaign has nothing to do with the rookie campaign

Are "rookie" showdown packs that much different from "regular" showdown packs?? They are both showdown packs, no??? It's not like there was a particular item in the showdown pack that helped with the Harden set. They each cost the same amount of rep, even.
I decide I'll buy a combination of rookie showdowns and the other showdowns since they both cost the same! Rookie showdown has a cooldown, so only could get one, and 4 of the other showdown. Did the event unlock after buying what I surely thought would be "five" showdown packs???? You bet it did NOT unlock!

So you decided to buy the wrong packs??. Man it's clear it's 5 showdown packs not rookie showdown packs. The content could not be more different. The Harden campaign has nothing to do with the rookie campaign

Are "rookie" showdown packs that much different from "regular" showdown packs?? They are both showdown packs, no??? It's not like there was a particular item in the showdown pack that helped with the Harden set. They each cost the same amount of rep, even.

Everything in the rookie tab at the store is for the Rookie campaign.
If something this game has taught me is to double check everything. Dont buy nothing that doesnt look exactly like the event description.


Pro 1
anyone else experiencing a break in the usual ads cycle in the last 72h? I think I've watched two ads two days ago. no others to be watched since then.


All-Star 1
anyone else experiencing a break in the usual ads cycle in the last 72h? I think I've watched two ads two days ago. no others to be watched since then.

That's really weird. I got enough ads today for probably 500-700 stamina. I thought they were being nice to us or something. Maybe I just got super lucky
anyone else experiencing a break in the usual ads cycle in the last 72h? I think I've watched two ads two days ago. no others to be watched since then.
I'd be in the same boat but I found a little trick on this thread. Sometimes I watch 1-2 Ads before they disappear. I then go to my app settings, force close the app and clear data. Sometimes I have to do this a couple times for the ads to reappear. It's pretty annoying. So when you feel like you still have unwatched ads try it.

Another trick is to switch devices but make sure you clear data on both devices before you try your second device. Sometimes when I do this I can watch 10 on one device and another 10 on another device. I haven't tried to see if it works with a 3rd device.


All-Star 1
I think the separate devices is the key. I just switched to my phone after I read that and sure enough, I got another 10 ads. That brings my daily total stamina from videos to prob close to 800/900.


Pro 1
anyone else experiencing a break in the usual ads cycle in the last 72h? I think I've watched two ads two days ago. no others to be watched since then.
I'd be in the same boat but I found a little trick on this thread. Sometimes I watch 1-2 Ads before they disappear. I then go to my app settings, force close the app and clear data. Sometimes I have to do this a couple times for the ads to reappear. It's pretty annoying. So when you feel like you still have unwatched ads try it.

Another trick is to switch devices but make sure you clear data on both devices before you try your second device. Sometimes when I do this I can watch 10 on one device and another 10 on another device. I haven't tried to see if it works with a 3rd device.

Only own one mobile device, so no chance for multiple-device benefits for me at the moment.

I had a similar drought before, but since then the ads were there regularly - the daily 250 st - without a need for data clearings - yet sometimes only restarting the app helped specially when the connection was not so good or I had a couple of those situations of one-and-done you're mentioning .

I regularly clear the cache in my phone but never noticed a correlation. Tried clearing all app data in the other drought but no immediate positive results either. Tried it again today - maybe around the time of the ads refresh - around 1 AM here I'll notice the difference of today's action.

But stuff like this news feed pic that isn't visible for me


and matches the start of the ads drought (I think) makes me wonder if there are some geo-restrictions returning to the game.


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