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Stamina from ADs....


All-Star 3
someone on the reddit NBALM forum suggested resetting the google ad ID. i tried it and it worked for me. for android go to setting -> google -> ads -> reset google ad ID.
Tried it. Got one ad. Do u have to do it everytime
It should work normally like it always had. After all the ads run out you'd need to reset your ad ID and wait for the refresh timer before the ads would come back just like it always had.
Ok thanks. It isnt working for me. I get only one ad after reseting ..

Oh man. I cant wait to see some idiot tagging Brian on that Discord and telling him how to still getting ads :| :|

Soon, lol. Maybe not today. Maybe not even this weekend. But by 10am eastern time Monday? we will see it. Some form of it. They will openly discuss how to do it right in his face, or even as you said, someone will outright tag him because that's what those clowns do.


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
Since the Android method was posted on Reddit then they will no doubt see it because Brian and Jennifer are both on Reddit in that community I would normally say to lay low with this stuff but since it's already out there on another platform out of my control then might as well allow everyone here to have fun while they can


All-Star 1
Some of the ppl on Discord need to be ***** slapped. Some fool a couple days back tagged Brian and told him to revert the AH to beginning of season form because.......... he'd rather have ZERO cards selling than have ppl abuse the bot & make millions of coins. Fackers.... All of em.


All-Star 1
Also, WTH is wrong with EA. 10 ad cap per day? Do they realize it ain't fun to blow through stamina at 50 per event & have to wait 6+ hours for it to refill? If its not fun, nobody is playing

And what's the point of ads if your player base can rarely view them? They make like 1/100th of a cent per ad. So you cut off the low revenue flow you already have? May as well not have ads


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