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Shaq Week Promo


Rookie 1
Might get 3 other wise 2 is confirmed


  • Screenshot_2019-07-26-13-54-10.png
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Rookie 3

Need some advise please. I picked Ming as a center got to 150 got his card and now got to 350 I have another token but the center position says I won already. So where do I go get Ming's next level? Or do I play for another position? I also hit the 150 with Shaq but IAM focusing on Ming.

Steve Rogers

Rookie 2
Might get 3 other wise 2 is confirmed
We have the same amount of pts...im with 22% boost and i think its possible to reach 3rd master...but that stamina bar should never stay full 😂
Im just completing daily objectives with lowest possible stamina spent then rest go for promo events,how about you?
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Steve Rogers

Rookie 2
View attachment 1844 View attachment 1845

Need some advise please. I picked Ming as a center got to 150 got his card and now got to 350 I have another token but the center position says I won already. So where do I go get Ming's next level? Or do I play for another position? I also hit the 150 with Shaq but IAM focusing on Ming.
Play other position if you already have won Ming as C...look what you need for your lineup and play that posution event


Rookie 1
We have the same amount of pts...im with 22% boost and i think its possible to reach 3rd master...but that stamina bar should never stay full 😂
Im just completing daily objectives with lowest possible stamina spent then rest go for promo events,how about you?
I only spent stamina on cash events and only 1 showdown game rest remaining stamina in those events (I also got 22% boost ). I think we can get 3 masters i am going for Yao @ PG & C and shaq @ PF


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