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Shaq Week Promo


Rookie 3
Get the PF and sell Kuzma don't waste all your coins on 1 card never buy something that costs more than 50% of your coins for future reference wether you built him or not way too expensive for you lineup with your very weak bench

After you sell Kuzma get some more balanced players and buy the Raptors first Finals appearance boost item and start building up your bench with players no low than 103 overall preferably with team boost and balanced style and swapping KD for T Mac will help with getting the +7 stats from the Raptors item as well


Rookie 3
Get the PF and sell Kuzma don't waste all your coins on 1 card never buy something that costs more than 50% of your coins for future reference wether you built him or not way too expensive for you lineup with your very weak bench

After you sell Kuzma get some more balanced players and buy the Raptors first Finals appearance boost item and start building up your bench with players no low than 103 overall preferably with team boost and balanced style and swapping KD for T Mac will help with getting the +7 stats from the Raptors item as well
Who is t mac? I searched that name didn't find a player


Rookie 3
Get the PF and sell Kuzma don't waste all your coins on 1 card never buy something that costs more than 50% of your coins for future reference wether you built him or not way too expensive for you lineup with your very weak bench

After you sell Kuzma get some more balanced players and buy the Raptors first Finals appearance boost item and start building up your bench with players no low than 103 overall preferably with team boost and balanced style and swapping KD for T Mac will help with getting the +7 stats from the Raptors item as well
Is tmac Tracy mc? If so his cards only go to 101 in ah


Rookie 3
Tracy McGrady he has a 107 overall balanced SF wait for him to show up but it will cost about 1.5 mil so wait first
Pf use Shaq or Ming?
Also I modified bench to a 102 min with what I had.


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NBA Legend
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Any point to keep Shaq and Yao blitz? Can they be sold later for more? Used ever again?
It says in the description when you click on them that you can sell them essentially without worry so just sell them you won't get more value for them compared to other elite tokens in an exchange set and they never raise the quicksell value of a token when there is one present


Rookie 3
It says in the description when you click on them that you can sell them essentially without worry so just sell them you won't get more value for them compared to other elite tokens in an exchange set and they never raise the quicksell value of a token when there is one present
That's what I figured thanks Stewie


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