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Shaq Week Promo


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
for bench, what shall I choose Yao SG card and Yao C card
I can't answer that really well without more context because I don't know what style of coach you run if you run defensive and need the extra defensive player then him but if you are fine then SG Yao because his boost is way better
I'm going for all the defensive players for my bench that way I don't have to worry about chemistry for a while and can pick any player I want for my main in upcoming campaigns.


Rookie 1
I can't answer that really well without more context because I don't know what style of coach you run if you run defensive and need the extra defensive player then him but if you are fine then SG Yao because his boost is way better
thank you
my coach card is boomer
SG starter is carter and C starter is admiral.
so any suggestion for me,
much appreciated


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
what do you think?thank you in advance
I'd say SG if you like your C situation I hated Admiral's gameplay but I use him for AI and 106 Howard for manual but if you don't mind losing him when he becomes auctionable you can sell Admiral, get C Yao, and with the coins you get for that sell PG and get a SG with a team boost that's what I would do in that circumstance


Rookie 1
I'd say SG if you like your C situation I hated Admiral's gameplay but I use him for AI and 106 Howard for manual but if you don't mind losing him when he becomes auctionable you can sell Admiral, get C Yao, and with the coins you get for that sell PG and get a SG with a team boost that's what I would do in that circumstance
thank you.
By the way, C yao is auctionable?


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
Which blitz is best to grind for this campaign or are they all the same?
The 20, 30, and 50 stamina ones are the same per stamina but the 100 stamina one is not something you want to play after the 1st win bonus because it gives way less than the other 3 on a per stamina basis so just play all the 1st wins and spam the 50 stamina ones after that


Rookie 1
The 20, 30, and 50 stamina ones are the same per stamina but the 100 stamina one is not something you want to play after the 1st win bonus because it gives way less than the other 3 on a per stamina basis so just play all the 1st wins and spam the 50 stamina ones after that
Thanks i just realized this


Rookie 1
I don't get it.... I have Shaq PF 107. If active, this card is 107. If on bench, it is 108 in spite of having less boost points!!! How could it be??

Edit: I have changed my coach to all-defensive team, and now it is 108 in both cases. So... This means that EA decreases the stats of an active card, although without stating it, if said card and playstyle don't match?? Oh well...


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