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Shaq Week Promo


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
So in your opinion, which Shaq card is the best (either from a starter, bench boost or future resale perspective)?
PG and SG because they have the best boosts by far making them good bench pieces or starters for those that don't mind players (I've played the SG) that don't do anything on YET


Rookie 1
PG and SG because they have the best boosts by far making them good bench pieces or starters for those that don't mind players (I've played the SG) that don't do anything on YET
which Yao card is the better, SG or C if you already have PG card of Yao.


Rookie 1
For me this campaign was sort of a bust. I got the 99 PF Yao Ming, only to hit the 30k big man point mark and get a 102 Yi Jianilian PF in the pack. So I guess my Yao is playing on the bench. Smh.


Rookie 1
Just want to know.
At milestone 11 right now, need little bit bigman points to reach milestone 12.
Possible to me for reach 3 masters before the ends of promo with 20% boost ?


All-Star 3
Just want to know.
At milestone 11 right now, need little bit bigman points to reach milestone 12.
Possible to me for reach 3 masters before the ends of promo with 20% boost ?
Nope.. I'm at milestone 13.. and I dont think I'll get there ..


Rookie 1
For me this campaign was sort of a bust. I got the 99 PF Yao Ming, only to hit the 30k big man point mark and get a 102 Yi Jianilian PF in the pack. So I guess my Yao is playing on the bench. Smh.
You can make Yao 107 OVR when you hit 100k bigman points, so no worries.


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