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Shaq Week Promo


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I've gotten 150 shaq power points and almost 25000 bigman points. Does that mean the calculations are wrong and i can get more than two masters?
The pace you need is 25k a day if you can keep that up you can get 3 masters


Rookie 1
The pace you need is 25k a day if you can keep that up you can get 3 masters
Nice. I really hope so. But what if EA went crazy and f2p can get 5 masters because we usually get like half the goods paid players get from campaigns


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Nice. I really hope so. But what if EA went crazy and f2p can get 5 masters because we usually get like half the goods paid players get from campaigns
The only way anyone gets 10 is through a lot of money so expect 3 as the max for anyone that spends about less than $50
I'm at 49k points thanks to the unlimited stamina glitch but somehow after picking PG Shaq in the attack event its disappeared. I only have PF Shaq and PG Yao yet ive done 3 attack events and should have 3 players!


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