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Shaq Week Promo


Rookie 1
When you get 150 points for Yao or Shaq you get a token to play an event for the 99 you can see those events if you click the word attack by the head of Yao or Shaq
😡😡😡 I was in middle of that 99 yao C event and my game crashed. 😢


Pro 1
So, who will be the 1st one to try his/her luck on those Attack events?

Those are 1-shot events, right? If you loose it, bye bye token?


Rookie 1
So, who will be the 1st one to try his/her luck on those Attack events?

Those are 1-shot events, right? If you loose it, bye bye token?

Same question, please share information about that and how hard that 1-shot event ? Just like warmup event maybe ?


Rookie 1
My first one was a game of 2 v 2. Yao PG and C against Shaq same positions all players 110.

It was a score two baskets challenge (basically a modified version of 3v3).

It was kinda dumb with all players being giants like 12' something, having to bend down to score.... like that big alien from the last promo.


Rookie 1
Amma Amma & Altavilla Altavilla

event is 12 ft shaq vs 12ft yao 2 v 2
Coz of these mega giants my game got crashed i guess 😡😡 😑
Edit 1 :- EA should literally drop off the idea of these giants


Rookie 3
Can anybody suggest which direction to get each of the Masters in? My weakness is center but I feel like putting one of them in the center position would probably be pointless all feedback welcomed


Pro 1
Can anybody suggest which direction to get each of the Masters in? My weakness is center but I feel like putting one of them in the center position would probably be pointless all feedback welcomed
No upgrade to your team would be pointless especially a top overall card but I’m going with PF because it’s my weakest position but you could build a master to sell


Rookie 3

So I'm building both sides up at almost the same time as a f2p but the third battery pack isn't coming on for Ming can anybody advise what I'm doing wrong screenshot attached


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