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Season 3 Bug/Glitch Thread


Rookie 1
And I?m still stuck on part 2 of those scales thing... no part 3 shows up

Have same problem in my alt

man this is going to suck if we can't get part 3 to work before the event ends. Anyone has any update on this? I emailed EA help as well, but no answer... I'm hoping tonight's maintenance will fix it. I just completed Starbury and Yao but waiting on the power up ability.


All-Star 3
And I?m still stuck on part 2 of those scales thing... no part 3 shows up

Have same problem in my alt

man this is going to suck if we can't get part 3 to work before the event ends. Anyone has any update on this? I emailed EA help as well, but no answer... I'm hoping tonight's maintenance will fix it. I just completed Starbury and Yao but waiting on the power up ability.
They have yet to respond to me too. They asked people to send screenshots of UID and objective screen on twitter. I did that too.. Can only wait and watch


Rookie 1
Have same problem in my alt

man this is going to suck if we can't get part 3 to work before the event ends. Anyone has any update on this? I emailed EA help as well, but no answer... I'm hoping tonight's maintenance will fix it. I just completed Starbury and Yao but waiting on the power up ability.
They have yet to respond to me too. They asked people to send screenshots of UID and objective screen on twitter. I did that too.. Can only wait and watch

It?s terrible man... you would think that if it?s a lot of people that are having the same issues that it would in their top priority to fix it.


All-Star 3
man this is going to suck if we can't get part 3 to work before the event ends. Anyone has any update on this? I emailed EA help as well, but no answer... I'm hoping tonight's maintenance will fix it. I just completed Starbury and Yao but waiting on the power up ability.
They have yet to respond to me too. They asked people to send screenshots of UID and objective screen on twitter. I did that too.. Can only wait and watch

It?s terrible man... you would think that if it?s a lot of people that are having the same issues that it would in their top priority to fix it.

Thank you for contacting EA help. My name is Diwakar and I would assist you with your NBA Live Mobile issue today.

I read your email and came to know that your weekly objective showing week 2 only . There have been similar reports from other players also. We have already forwarded the issue to our developers and hope it would be fixed soon.

Meanwhile, keep eyes on below link for more update and information regarding the same.

I hope it will be fixed very soon.

Should you have any further questions regarding this or any other issues, please do not hesitate to let us know. You can also find??answers to common questions on our Help Center at http://help.ea.com, or ask our community experts by visiting Answer HQ at??http://answers.ea.com.

Thank you again for contacting EA help


Rookie 1
Missing gold dragon scale

Hi guys, longtime lurker, first time poster

It seems that at some point, my weekly dragon scale objectives for the boost to the masters didn't update, and I did week 2 twice. I didn't notice this, and when I finally completed the tasks for this week and hoped to get the gold dragon scale, I actually got another black dragon scale, which is totally useless since I have one already.

Anyone else with this issue? Who can I reach out to at EA, or how can I contact them, to get them to send me the right dragon scale? Thanks!


Rookie 1
I've also got this issue with the dragon scales - I don't have Twitter though. Should I contact EA about this, and if so, where do I contact them? Via the link that Diwakar sent? Thanks.


Rookie 1
Re: Missing gold dragon scale

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I don't always read all the threads, so I must have missed that one.


All-Star 3
I've also got this issue with the dragon scales - I don't have Twitter though. Should I contact EA about this, and if so, where do I contact them? Via the link that Diwakar sent? Thanks.



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Rookie 1
Thanks @anatdoc - do I need to contact them over this and send screenshots, or will this happen automatically?


Rookie 2
Game is crashing whenever I play showdown against someone with high overall (I'm suspecting Moses Malone) and makes me forfeit


Pro 1
Game is crashing every now and then. The problem is the waste of stamina: no ?resume? shows up after restarting the app (happened to me last on the ?game of the night? daily event).


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