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Lunar New Year Promo (merged)


Rookie 1
Re: Lunar new year

The golden mask blitz event doesn?t actually spit out any tokens! Is this an error? All I can do is the cashiens challenge to get cashien tokens, so no way to get boogie tokens if it doesn?t work!!


Rookie 1
Re: Lunar new year

so if I don't want 96 Boogie, do I only grind the envelope thing? This promo is really confusing.


Rookie 1
Re: Lunar new year

Complete a special weekly objective each week to earn rare Dragon Scale Tokens! Those will be used in a set to grant you an ability token for you to use on any of the 3 ?Save Lunar New Year!? Masters.

Where is the special weekly object?

is it as the attached img?


  • F7157EE8-72A9-4B52-8E9F-D1E2DD55C4E4.jpeg
    162 KB · Views: 917


Rookie 1
Re: Lunar new year

The weekly objective is in the tab with all the other objectives (daily). For this week the weekly objective is to spend 2500 stamina.


Rookie 1
Re: Lunar new year

81 Boogie is rewarded in the 3rd event of ?Golden Mask 3? (Recruit The BoogieMan) in the Save Lunar Year campaign.

Also, to view Special Objectives for the Dragon Scales check the Daily Objectives tab.


All-Star 3
Re: Lunar new year

How are you guys approaching this event? Full stamina towards one or splitting the stamina between two?


Rookie 1
Re: Lunar new year

It will be a daily grind for sure but I feel like you can only go for one... at this point I?m spending all my stamina on Boogie first


Rookie 3
Re: Lunar new year

Do we know if the token is same for all the weekly save lunar master? I'm thinking on using the token on next week's master. Thanks.


Rookie 1
Re: Lunar new year

Do we know if the token is same for all the weekly save lunar master? I'm thinking on using the token on next week's master. Thanks.

I'd love to know that too - I'm holding off on building Boogie and saving all the Gold tokens for now (just in case)....
Re: Lunar new year

Next week's ability master is a SG. I bet is Harden but nothing sure.

Next week's 3 96 envelope masters are 3 former players. 2 of them former Trail Blazers


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