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Lunar New Year Promo (merged)


Rookie 1
Re: Lunar New Year promo

Any leaks on if there will be any clutch abilities etc on these new masters? Wondering if it?s worth selling ones now with abilities while market is high. Cheers guys


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Re: Lunar New Year promo

Any leaks on if there will be any clutch abilities etc on these new masters? Wondering if it?s worth selling ones now with abilities while market is high. Cheers guys

Yes they have abilities as stated in the thread


Rookie 1
Re: Lunar New Year promo

most curious about the format now, whether its gonna be purely token based or like resolutions where AH can play a part


Rookie 1
Re: Lunar New Year promo

most curious about the format now, whether its gonna be purely token based or like resolutions where AH can play a part
Isn't resolutions both token and AH based since you can buy/sell gold and elite players.

well to me its player based since isn't it the first time in a while we had a promo where we could either build the masters with players or sell golds/elites in the AH during the promo?

12 seems overkill def. I'm thinking that the 12 corresponds to the 12 Chinese Zodiac signs.

Do you guys think the prices of ghosts will get crushed more when the promo drops?
Re: Lunar New Year promo

most curious about the format now, whether its gonna be purely token based or like resolutions where AH can play a part
Isn't resolutions both token and AH based since you can buy/sell gold and elite players.

well to me its player based since isn't it the first time in a while we had a promo where we could either build the masters with players or sell golds/elites in the AH during the promo?

12 seems overkill def. I'm thinking that the 12 corresponds to the 12 Chinese Zodiac signs.

Do you guys think the prices of ghosts will get crushed more when the promo drops?
Gotcha point. And yes it's the first the promo in a while that we can use the AH. As far as ghosts, oh for sure they will plummet in price once the promo drops.


Rookie 1
Re: Lunar New Year promo

so Demarcus Cousins was born in 1990, and 1990 is the year of the horse, so Demarcus is the Horse Master?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Re: Lunar New Year promo

Hopefully you can only grind 1 because if they all have abilities then it creates a log jam and floods the game with abilities


Rookie 1
Re: Lunar New Year promo

The game is already flooded with ability guys lol In my honest opinion, I sold most of my gifts because short of their abilities, some of their gameplay wasn't that great. For example, Lauri is a great shooter, but was terrible at rebounding and defense. I replaced him with collins and I'm happy. Jokic is a better center than Drummond and russell. Iverson, durant, and sexton are the only ghosts worth having. I wound up selling sexton, though, because I tested the 93 curry and liked him better overall. I'm excited for this new promo. I think the game is starting to get really interesting.


All-Star 1
Re: Lunar New Year promo

The game is already flooded with ability guys lol In my honest opinion, I sold most of my gifts because short of their abilities, some of their gameplay wasn't that great. For example, Lauri is a great shooter, but was terrible at rebounding and defense. I replaced him with collins and I'm happy. Jokic is a better center than Drummond and russell. Iverson, durant, and sexton are the only ghosts worth having. I wound up selling sexton, though, because I tested the 93 curry and liked him better overall. I'm excited for this new promo. I think the game is starting to get really interesting.
I think you're spot on with this. Convinced me to sell my Lauri and possibly Sexton but I may hold onto him since I'm a Cavs fan - we'll see.


Rookie 2
Re: Lunar New Year promo

I ditched my Ghost Russell before prices dropped too far. I figured the Ghosts would hold their value for a while but prices on everything are tanking bc these masters are so easy to get. Saw a 94 Moses Malone for under 600k earlier. Jesus.

I noticed this too but unless you're in the OVR race, I don't see how any of these 95 players is better than any of the 94 Ghosts. For that matter, I'll likely finish 5 95's and put them ON MY BENCH. Until higher OVR players with abilities are released, I think this current market just represents a great buying opportunity for those that didn't get any ghosts. And if they increase the caps on the higher OVR players that will just sweeten the pot. Dumping your ghosts now is strictly dependent on your personal coin situation. If you have less than 10M then I get it.

Not sure why anyone would dump the ghost players. Remember Simmons last year? Having that buzzer beater was huge. Sexton and Russell could be the best players in the game until the 100+ players come out. Especially this if they don't add more players with BB.


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