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Rookie 1
View attachment 4221

What do I have to do guys? Will 101 Carter do it? 103 Davis? 104 Curry? Please help me out if you know what's necessary...
Idk man look at this lineup. This lineup rounds up at 103.9 and yours is 104. The only thing i can think of is that somehow Davis is better than Durant and Jrue is better than Carter.. and that boost from Wilt


Rookie 1
Idk man look at this lineup. This lineup rounds up at 103.9 and yours is 104. The only thing i can think of is that somehow Davis is better than Durant and Jrue is better than Carter.. and that boost from Wilt View attachment 4222

thanks Alex. So if you look at my lineup, should Davis be my next move? or Paul for the sure bet? Carter could work too?


All-Star 1
will that definitely put me at 105? I have no use for Paul. Why would that change anything when Stockton is already boosted to 104?
Stockton is a 103. A true 104 is almost always going to be stronger than a 103 that boosts to 104. People keep thinking that a 104 is a 104 is a 104. The OVR is made up of all the stats combined. Some have more total stat points than others. That's why 104 Curry boosts to 105 easily in a normal lineup but 104 Kyrie and 104 Paul don't. Curry is a stronger 104 than the others.

That same thing applies to replacing Stockton with one of the 104s. They should have more total stat points and therefore be of greater help in boosting TEAM OVR to 105.

Is it guaranteed? No. But you're running out of options


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Stockton is a 103. A true 104 is almost always going to be stronger than a 103 that boosts to 104. People keep thinking that a 104 is a 104 is a 104. The OVR is made up of all the stats combined. Some have more total stat points than others. That's why 104 Curry boosts to 105 easily in a normal lineup but 104 Kyrie and 104 Paul don't. Curry is a stronger 104 than the others.

That same thing applies to replacing Stockton with one of the 104s. They should have more total stat points and therefore be of greater help in boosting TEAM OVR to 105.

Is it guaranteed? No. But you're running out of options
Exactly it's not all created the same


Rookie 3
So, 105 is definitely not going to happen for me. I’m not going to get 75k points in two days, and no matter how I switch this lineup around, it stays firmly at 104... Now I really hope the cards become auctionable, so I can buy Curry


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Rookie 1
So, 105 is definitely not going to happen for me. I’m not going to get 75k points in two days, and no matter how I switch this lineup around, it stays firmly at 104... Now I really hope the cards become auctionable, so I can buy Curry
Try 103 pf it might take u to 105???


All-Star 3
So, 105 is definitely not going to happen for me. I’m not going to get 75k points in two days, and no matter how I switch this lineup around, it stays firmly at 104... Now I really hope the cards become auctionable, so I can buy Curry
maybye this helps


Rookie 1

I think someone asked pics of low 101s. This is my lineup. Average is 100.3, so I was really surprised to see it's a 101. I thought I would need 104 Curry but Stockton made it.
Anyone has advice on how I could get 103? Count a 105 Bron instead of 99 Pippen


Rookie 1
View attachment 4227
I think someone asked pics of low 101s. This is my lineup. Average is 100.3, so I was really surprised to see it's a 101. I thought I would need 104 Curry but Stockton made it.
Anyone has advice on how I could get 103? Count a 105 Bron instead of 99 Pippen
Idk if this helps but this is the lowest possible 103 that i can build. It equals to 102.2


Rookie 1
Idk if this helps but this is the lowest possible 103 that i can build. It equals to 102.2 View attachment 4228
Yeah that is not far from reach. I could get 104 Curry and a 101 SG, but what I can't get is a good C. I got 95 Embiid from a reserve pack the first day, but I don't know how to get someone better. Are there good C in the reserve packs I could hope for?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Yeah that is not far from reach. I could get 104 Curry and a 101 SG, but what I can't get is a good C. I got 95 Embiid from a reserve pack the first day, but I don't know how to get someone better. Are there good C in the reserve packs I could hope for?
101 Jokic


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