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Live All-Stars Promo

Ktown Balla

Rookie 1
So freaking frustrated. I decided 2 days ago to grind my ass off just so I could get PG Curry 104 thinking that it would make my lineup OVR 105, based on all the posts I read here. I’ve tried mixing it up but to no avail. Just wanted to get 105 Siakam to complete the task! Even have SG Harden 101 and PG Stockton 103 but haven’t found the right combo. Only have the 1 Silver Coach. Any hints on what I can do?


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NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
So freaking frustrated. I decided 2 days ago to grind my ass off just so I could get PG Curry 104 thinking that it would make my lineup OVR 105, based on all the posts I read here. I’ve tried mixing it up but to no avail. Just wanted to get 105 Siakam to complete the task! Even have SG Harden 101 and PG Stockton 103 but haven’t found the right combo. Only have the 1 Silver Coach. Any hints on what I can do?
The issue here is that you should have chose Siakam 1st or 2nd the only choice you have is to get another 103 PF


All-Star 1
So freaking frustrated. I decided 2 days ago to grind my ass off just so I could get PG Curry 104 thinking that it would make my lineup OVR 105, based on all the posts I read here. I’ve tried mixing it up but to no avail. Just wanted to get 105 Siakam to complete the task! Even have SG Harden 101 and PG Stockton 103 but haven’t found the right combo. Only have the 1 Silver Coach. Any hints on what I can do?

Get Bird off the bench. You need team boost on bench


Pro 1
Ok I think I'll know what I'll do I'll go for the 3rd master by just buying the LD MM Curry then using my points on getting AD and Giannis since they have higher overalls than KD apparently and do the 103 trade in set for (hopefully) McHale to replace the PFs that AD and Giannis would replace on my style lineups then when the promo cards become auctionable like last time I'll sell all 3 masters, both PFs, buy balanced KD, and make a huge profit by sell 5 104-105 cards and using 1 103 and 1 104 to replace them
How does balanced KD play? Been trying to decide between balanced and MM KD


All-Star 1
Tried it just now but didn’t work. A couple of the spots (SG and C) have players without Team boost.
You prob just need another PF. Do you have the Lakers court in use? I can hit 105 using Curry but not with Kyrie if I'm using the American Airlines court. If i swap in the Lakers Court Kyrie works. But I also have Siakam and Harden and you don't. They may make a difference.




Rookie 1
Guys I have a 102 jokic fr community days, is it possible for the 101 jokic to be on the bench?
Is there any other C over 95
I have 26k points right now seeing if I can get the second master
Any help appreciated

Ktown Balla

Rookie 1
You prob just need another PF. Do you have the Lakers court in use? I can hit 105 using Curry but not with Kyrie if I'm using the American Airlines court. If i swap in the Lakers Court Kyrie works. But I also have Siakam and Harden and you don't. They may make a difference. View attachment 4261
View attachment 4262
View attachment 4263
Yup. I put in Harden and that same Lakers court but still 104. The system must not like my combo of players even though the individual OVRs are exactly the same. Probably comes down to not having Siakam in there and possibly Bird being a weak 103 somehow. Thanks for the input though!


Rookie 1
Based on looking at people's LD and Street lineups AD hits 104 on every one that I've seen but I haven't seen any KDs hit 104 despite having better total stats than Giannis and AD he is a lower overall just based on what I've seen maybe since he doesn't have great PF stats and instead has great SF stats his overall is lower at PF than the other 2 which have better PF stats

Thanks, man. This helped me get to 105. Really appreciate it.


Rookie 2
Is the 106 Harden All star MVP worth to get with the requirements needed to get him? I have the extra players for him but still kinda steep.


All-Star 1
Is the 106 Harden All star MVP worth to get with the requirements needed to get him? I have the extra players for him but still kinda steep.
In my case, I gave up Hakeem and Shaq from the last promo and will get Shaq and Howard from this promo so seemed worth it. Also gave up Kawhi but since Harden is also Street, I didn’t give up any OVR there either. Should also be mentioned that Harden boosts pretty easily to 107.


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