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Live All-Stars Promo


Rookie 3
I’m tempted to buy the AS conclusion bundle, but only if that definitely pushes me to 105.

I can only grind out enough points to get either a PF or maybe a PG. I won’t get both.

With this lineup, can anyone give me a sure fire way to get to 105 OVR?


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All-Star 3
I’m tempted to buy the AS conclusion bundle, but only if that definitely pushes me to 105.

I can only grind out enough points to get either a PF or maybe a PG. I won’t get both.

With this lineup, can anyone give me a sure fire way to get to 105 OVR?
103 pf and maybe 101 jrue might be an answer if the 104 pg is not possible.. based on what i saw of reddit..
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Rookie 2
Any chance I can get to 103? I have 67K all star points to spare and another day to grind. Havent really grinded live pass at all


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NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Any chance I can get to 103? I have 67K all star points to spare and another day to grind. Havent really grinded live pass at all
Get a 104 PG, swap LeBron and English, and get a sliver LD coach that may do it for you no guarantee but even if you don't hit 103 you'll have another 104 PG to keep or potentially sell if they make the cards auctionable


Pro 2
Seeing how they are unactuionable I dont "need" to get 103 or 105, so I'm done at 101 🤷‍♂️ yeah I cant put the other 2 in sets but unless I use all my stamina bottles on the event to obtain 105 I dont need it. So I'm good with 1 at 101. And wait for the next promo while getting griffen


Rookie 2
Get a 104 PG, swap LeBron and English, and get a sliver LD coach that may do it for you no guarantee but even if you don't hit 103 you'll have another 104 PG to keep or potentially sell if they make the cards auctionable
How do we get LD silver coaches? I traded in all of mine earlier in the season. Thanks bro


Rookie 1
Would grinding for a different pf than Bird get me to 105, or would it be a waste of my time/resources? I mean, I want the third master but it'd be really frustrating (especially because I'm already pissed I had to choose Chris Paul over Curry...) if another pf won't get me there.

(Just completed Live Pass this morning and thought Magic would get me there. I was wrong.)



All-Star 3
Would grinding for a different pf than Bird get me to 105, or would it be a waste of my time/resources? I mean, I want the third master but it'd be really frustrating (especially because I'm already pissed I had to choose Chris Paul over Curry...) if another pf won't get me there.

(Just completed Live Pass this morning and thought Magic would get me there. I was wrong.)

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cant predict.. dont know how badly u want the last master (wasting resources and not reaching it).. pf seems to be ur best bet.. though havent seen a 105 with cp3 yet


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