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Live All-Stars Promo


Rookie 1
cant predict.. dont know how badly u want the last master (wasting resources and not reaching it).. pf seems to be ur best bet.. though havent seen a 105 with cp3 yet

Thank you. I thought I had to take cp3 because I only had SS and street silver coaches (no lockdown). If I realized the coach mattered sooner, I would have selected the SS shooting guard (whoever that is) so he would be the fifth player to get the coach boost.

Oh well. Thanks again!


Rookie 1
Why am i not at 101?? Shouldn't 100.1 round up to 101? Plz help....
Maybe a 101 SG will get you there, but you have no boosts to the team so I am not even sure 100.4 will get 101.
A 103 PF would be quite sure to get you to 101, given that 100.5 always rounds up to 101. So I'd try and get Giannis, to make the best out of your coach.

Rockstar V

Rookie 1
Why am i not at 101?? Shouldn't 100.1 round up to 101? Plz help....

what u see really doesnt matter as much, cause some hidden attributes can make cards with the same overall completely different. my suggestion would be to fix your bench. i dont know if youre close to the 75k for a center, so u may just want to do the 1.5k boom of bust packs (pulled a lot of 101s from bob) or do the 6k SF or 15k SG etc. bottom line, fix yo bench.
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Rookie 1
Getting the same few players over and over again with the 1500 reserve pack is frustrating (Iverson, George, Thomas, Embid multiple times). Still sitting with a 65 rated bench scrub behind 99 Malone, which is making it so i can't get over 98 overall. Even if i find a way to 6000 for the PF pack today, I'm sure I'll just get another Malone. Can you even get a PF from the reserve pack????


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
Getting the same few players over and over again with the 1500 reserve pack is frustrating (Iverson, George, Thomas, Embid multiple times). Still sitting with a 65 rated bench scrub behind 99 Malone, which is making it so i can't get over 98 overall. Even if i find a way to 6000 for the PF pack today, I'm sure I'll just get another Malone. Can you even get a PF from the reserve pack????
Yes you can get a PF from the reserve pack I've personally pulled 99 Love early in the promo and then 101 Bird a week ago


Rookie 1
Yes you can get a PF from the reserve pack I've personally pulled 99 Love early in the promo and then 101 Bird a week ago

Just bad luck then, for me. Wondering if i should try a few more reserve packs, or just go all in on hoping i don't get Malone again from PF pack. Gambling either way.


Rookie 1
Finally got 101 Jokic from my 13th reserve pack. Got me to 103 ovr so I got Siakam. This one was actually quite a good promo. Got me my first 2 104s and my first two 105s. My ultimate lineup contains 6 all star players.


Rookie 1
Finally got 101 Jokic from my 13th reserve pack. Got me to 103 ovr so I got Siakam. This one was actually quite a good promo. Got me my first 2 104s and my first two 105s. My ultimate lineup contains 6 all star players.
I bought about 25 reserve packs and I still didn't get Jokic. Actually i didn't get anyone over 99 OVR.

From 25 reserve packs, I got : PG 2* 98Thomas, SG 2* 98 Booker, 8* 95 George, 4*95 Iverson, SF 2* 98 Wilkins, PF 99 Malone, C 6*95 Embiid

Moral of the story: don't count on reserve packs !
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All-Star 1
Is the 5% Chance at a +101 (emphasis on the +) reserve labeled correctly in the reserves pack description or is 101 the max?


NBA Legend
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My turn lol
Screenshot_20200614-182204_NBA LIVE.jpg

I'm pretty sure Shaq or Duncan will finish the job I'm just worried at the chance of getting them and not having a chance to get Curry to replace to one I just bought because no way can I get Curry and hit 105


Rookie 1
Do you guys know if a 101 shooting guard will bring me to a 103? Not a big deal just wondering


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NBA Legend
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Community Chief
Does anyone out there know if AD or KD is the stronger pf (for a team's overall OVR)?
Based on looking at people's LD and Street lineups AD hits 104 on every one that I've seen but I haven't seen any KDs hit 104 despite having better total stats than Giannis and AD he is a lower overall just based on what I've seen maybe since he doesn't have great PF stats and instead has great SF stats his overall is lower at PF than the other 2 which have better PF stats


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