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Live All-Stars Promo


Rookie 2
In my case, I gave up Hakeem and Shaq from the last promo and will get Shaq and Howard from this promo so seemed worth it. Also gave up Kawhi but since Harden is also Street, I didn’t give up any OVR there either. Should also be mentioned that Harden boosts pretty easily to 107.
Nice. Aight i’ll get him


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
In my case, I gave up Hakeem and Shaq from the last promo and will get Shaq and Howard from this promo so seemed worth it. Also gave up Kawhi but since Harden is also Street, I didn’t give up any OVR there either. Should also be mentioned that Harden boosts pretty easily to 107.
I was typing up this long explanation why I wouldn't get him... then I got him i hate his boost and I called that it would be +4 mid range no matter who it was but I got him for my bench and I'm starting Rose getting Harden got me to 106 and some of the more notable cards I gave up were 105 LAS LeBron, 104 trade in Embiid, 104 LAS Shaq, 103 LvsZ LeBron, 103 LAS Doncic, 102 trade in Doncic, and BLA 102 LeBron


Rookie 3
I gave up Magic for Harden. Didn’t have much use for Magic anyway, except for boosting my OVR, but my street lineup is shaping up pretty well. Especially after I get Kemba from the live pass.

I did sell Griffin for 15M though, so 103 Giannis will be the weak link there in about a week.

SS has gone from my strongest to my weakest lineup, but I’ll get to that by the time the next promo rolls around.


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