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Live All-Stars Promo


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
The point is this forum is supposed to help, not to be misleading. Sorry if someone was hurt by my post, really didn't mean to do so.

Also I acknowledge that my statement was a bit inaccurate. Simple average is definitely a best estimate of team's overall since team's overall is a function of the simple average and boost, in which you totally right. Problem is that simple average might be very misleading in the context of this particular promo.

For example, please look at the post by Matt.o_10 in which he shows his lineup and asks whether he should get another 103 PF or rather 104 PG. Take into consideration that either of these options would not affect team's overall. So would any of these options give him 105 overall? For 103 PF the answer is no. For 104 PG the answer is maybe - it depends on whom he will choose. If he goes with LD PG he will be at 105, if he goes with any other 104 PG he will be at 104. Moreover, there is even easier and much more affordable way to get to 105 - he needs another SG, namely the LD SG - and he will get 105.

What matters here, of course, is a coach's boost. But as you can see, if you only consider simple average, you can make a huge mistake - for instance, you can spend 75k for the PG that won't help you. So when I read here a post be Stewie (who are very respected man, no offense) that you should choose Giannis AND Anthony Davis because they are better than KD (or LBJ AND Siakam over Kawhi), I want to cry. This is really misleading and can cost people a lot.

The optimal strategy for this promo is very simple and straightforward. There are two aspects: 1. Replace your players in such a way that overall difference between replacing player and replaced player was maximum. 2. Replace players with respect to your coach's style, so choose the player of the same style that your coach's one is. You have to have 5 players of your coach's style.
You can chang you coaching style very easily and +1 to team with these shitty silver coaches we have to use average to get an idea like already said it is by far the best way to get an idea on overall nothing has topped that at all the best way to look further is stat totals which in the case of the 103 PFs would make AD and KD the best when sifting through lineups KD wasn't a popular pick so hard to guage so sorry on that but back to the point of average it is by far the best and only option so not sure what the problem is with using it when there is nothing else to do because game companies don't release everything about their games so bottom line... average is all there is because it literally exists


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
So, using this rationale, would getting 101 Holiday as SG put me at 105 overall because I'll get the boost with 5 players for my silver coach?
That's your only option unless you want to buy competition packs for 2.5k cash a piece


Rookie 3
Since all the players are in the right position within playing and bench, would I be able to reach 105OVR?? If so, do you suggest to get another boost 103 pf so that I can swipe him with bird or Should I get another pm which is 104 but no boost for Stockton??
Since your bench is already 105 OVR, can you really not get to 105 OVR by putting some of the higher rated players in the starting lineup? Seems crazy to me that you can’t hit 105 with this lineup


Rookie 3
Anyone know if the players from this promo are going to be auctionable? I really want the 105 balanced Dirk, but I’m not going to drop €80,- on him. I would be willing to spend a couple million coins on him though.


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
Anyone know if the players from this promo are going to be auctionable? I really want the 105 balanced Dirk, but I’m not going to drop €80,- on him. I would be willing to spend a couple million coins on him though.
Most likely yes since this promo has followed the original AS promo so much but no guarantees


Rookie 2
The point is this forum is supposed to help, not to be misleading. Sorry if someone was hurt by my post, really didn't mean to do so.

Also I acknowledge that my statement was a bit inaccurate. Simple average is definitely a best estimate of team's overall since team's overall is a function of the simple average and boost, in which you totally right. Problem is that simple average might be very misleading in the context of this particular promo.

For example, please look at the post by Matt.o_10 in which he shows his lineup and asks whether he should get another 103 PF or rather 104 PG. Take into consideration that either of these options would not affect team's overall. So would any of these options give him 105 overall? For 103 PF the answer is no. For 104 PG the answer is maybe - it depends on whom he will choose. If he goes with LD PG he will be at 105, if he goes with any other 104 PG he will be at 104. Moreover, there is even easier and much more affordable way to get to 105 - he needs another SG, namely the LD SG - and he will get 105.

What matters here, of course, is a coach's boost. But as you can see, if you only consider simple average, you can make a huge mistake - for instance, you can spend 75k for the PG that won't help you. So when I read here a post be Stewie (who are very respected man, no offense) that you should choose Giannis AND Anthony Davis because they are better than KD (or LBJ AND Siakam over Kawhi), I want to cry. This is really misleading and can cost people a lot.

The optimal strategy for this promo is very simple and straightforward. There are two aspects: 1. Replace your players in such a way that overall difference between replacing player and replaced player was maximum. 2. Replace players with respect to your coach's style, so choose the player of the same style that your coach's one is. You have to have 5 players of your coach's style.

Thank you. That's what I'm looking for. While not hurt admittedly I'm.a bit annoyed you keep saying don't use average without really giving an alternative. So thanks for giving your thoughts.

Now with that suggestion. I see what you mean. And it does make sense. While we can change coach, we have to try pull same lineup to take advantage of the boost as much. Especially on the decimal points. Personally I have picked a lot of not popular players like Hakeem because I'm filling up 5 shooting players.

But on a general sense the goal is still to see if we can reach 100.5 to be safe. Anything lower is a gamble. Cause I'm still not sure how these boosts adds to the total ovr. But to your point. If you have same lineup. Maybe 100.4 might already work and so on. Problem is we don't have specifics on that


Rookie 1
AD and Giannis are essential to hitting 105 unless you got lucky and pulled 103 Bird from the competition set also having Magic, Hakeem, Westbrook, and Stockton help a lot too (Stockton instead of a 104 PG since it saves you 90k points) that makes your lineup

Stockton/Magic (always bench Magic)
101+ SG (I was lucky to pull 103 Doncic)/Westbrook
2 master SFs (Siakam and LeBron are the best combo since they have higher overalls than Kawhi)
2 103 PFs (AD and Giannis for the same reason as Siakam and LeBron)
101+ C/Hakeem (if you don't have a 102+ SG you're gonna need a 104 C)
Please what can I get to boost to 105.
I have all the live player.
I don't have siakam.
Any other way to get to 105
Will Gainnis boost my team


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    Screenshot_20200610-193010_NBA LIVE.jpg
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NBA Legend
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Community Chief
You need that 104 sg T-Mac but it’s a store purchase.
Yeah SG is the only one that can be upgraded so it seems like a lost cause without a higher SG to get that's why him, 104 VC, and 103 Doncic were such valuable pulls in the chase for 105


Rookie 1
Yeah SG is the only one that can be upgraded so it seems like a lost cause without a higher SG to get that's why him, 104 VC, a
nd 103 Doncic were such valuable pulls in the chase for 105
I saw this on Twitter earlier. I honestly don't know how he's in 105. Tried all my Jersey and coach. Still no luck


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