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Season 3 Bug/Glitch Thread


Rookie 1
Lag went frame-by-frame on me a couple of hours ago (on the FB event i think)
Every half second or slower.

On some other event it was like slow-mo. Really allows you to think the game :)
It was like that for me since app update, but something changed 30 mins ago, now all works fine for me. Check your game if you can.


All-Star 1
Any part of the game where it shows you multiples of one card.....the math is all wacky. Like if you're selling cards and you have nine 83 Lillard's on hand....the number over the stack might show as only having 4. Here are SS of my AH. Shows I only have 2- 93 Dennis Johnson but I actually have 5 of them



NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
You mind asking ea to fix the laggy game?? Ever since the maintenance the game has been lagging often
Nothing I can do they said a few days ago it will take some time and the fastest one of these type of fixes took was a week so it's safe to expect something longer than that


Rookie 3
ive discovered, that "edging" on the shooting zone now shots dont count, one has to have booth feet well in the shooting zone in events.. kind of sucks, but better to know now...


All-Star 1
ive discovered, that "edging" on the shooting zone now shots dont count, one has to have booth feet well in the shooting zone in events.. kind of sucks, but better to know now...
Made the same experience. Also drives me nuts that events where the shooting button isn’t available until you hit the zone can still result in a failed attempt (when basket is made). And the issue with jumping out of the zone on attempt sometimes working and sometimes not depending on the event.


Pro 1
There's a drill, now showing up a lot on Elevate, that has become glitched (it wasn't before).

I'm talking about a 3 shot drill. 1st shot is a dunk. Second is a mid-range shot. (No problem so far.) 3rd shot is a 3 pt shot from a side bar (rectangle).
On the 3rd shot, even when in the bar and making the shot, it usually counts as a fail. Sometimes the last attempt goes well and gives the win. Other times it counts as a miss all 3 shots normally available.

Please fix this EA.


Rookie 2
The daily achievements counter to do dunk layup or 3 in season doesn't move. Yesterday it wasn't counting layups. Today it's not counting dunks it seems. (I got 4/10, I dunked almost all chance I get for 3 quarters) It's already an annoying objective to begin with now they make it more annoying.
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All-Star 3
The daily achievements counter to do dunk layup or 3 in season doesn't move. Yesterday it wasn't counting layups. Today it's not counting dunks it seems. (I got 4/10, I dunked almost all chance I get for 3 quarters) It's already an annoying objective to begin with now they make it more annoying.
Ya its always weird.. I just do 3 or 4 of all 3.. Simpler


All-Star 1
The daily achievements counter to do dunk layup or 3 in season doesn't move. Yesterday it wasn't counting layups. Today it's not counting dunks it seems. (I got 4/10, I dunked almost all chance I get for 3 quarters) It's already an annoying objective to begin with now they make it more annoying.
FYI, alley oops don't count as dunks


All-Star 1
There's a drill, now showing up a lot on Elevate, that has become glitched (it wasn't before).

I'm talking about a 3 shot drill. 1st shot is a dunk. Second is a mid-range shot. (No problem so far.) 3rd shot is a 3 pt shot from a side bar (rectangle).
On the 3rd shot, even when in the bar and making the shot, it usually counts as a fail. Sometimes the last attempt goes well and gives the win. Other times it counts as a miss all 3 shots normally available.

Please fix this EA.
As noted in another thread, they've changed how the player is recognized in the hot zone. Both feet now have to be entirely in the zone for it to count. For the drill you mentioned, the baseline cam might give a better angle than the pressbox.


All-Star 1
No. Not alley oop. It just randomly doesn't count either dunk or layup. No particular reason. Today it's OK.
Ok, oddly enough this is the one thing I haven't had an issue with! I typically autoplay these objectives but with stamina at a premium, I've been doing them manually in the stamina free daily FB event so I've been keeping regular track and it's been spot on.


All-Star 1
Ive def had some dunks not count but it's trivial season games so if I have to play an extra quarter, not too bothered by it. Plenty of other issues I'd like them to take care of ASAP


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