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Playoffs Second Chance Promo


Rookie 1
Same here.. i dont know why people are saying their stat are decent..especially porzingis has pretty poor rebounding stats
Do you believe that the stats of the player are important in the gameplay? It really does not matter. The only stat important is the 104 contribution to the team OVR.


All-Star 3
Do you believe that the stats of the player are important in the gameplay? It really does not matter. The only stat important is the 104 contribution to the team OVR.
Not by a lot.. but i was more talking abt people 'wanting' those cards.. for ovr sake it makes sense


Pro 2
All Porzingis cards grab a lot of rebounds cause of his height, stats doesnt matter for him.

I love this card and start it over Davis. Just plays better. Super active. Lots of rebounds. At 7’3” + 98 3pt he is automatic behind the line. Just looking at his attributes you might not go for that card. But he boosts to 106 easily and plays that way. Crazy good card.


Rookie 1
Is it better to sell the second chance token or use them on players,those tokens going for 200-300k now
Hopefully boosted 104 players will be auctionable


All-Star 3
Is it better to sell the second chance token or use them on players,those tokens going for 200-300k now
Hopefully boosted 104 players will be auctionable
Might be better to sell them.. if u sell 10 even for 300k,.. thats 3mill.. definitely 103/4 cards will be cheaper than that


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Is it better to sell the second chance token or use them on players,those tokens going for 200-300k now
Hopefully boosted 104 players will be auctionable
Sell them and no they won't be auctionable since training a card forever makes it unauctionable


All-Star 1
Same here.. i dont know why people are saying their stat are decent..especially porzingis has pretty poor rebounding stats
I felt like they were just bonuses anyways so the stats do look decent to me. Obviously the Masters will have better stats but regardless, Porz cards always seem to play above the stats as far as rebounding and blocking ability


Rookie 1
Do yourselves a favor and make sure Porzingis is high on your list of 94s to level up to 104. He wasn’t on my “cheat sheet,” but I changed my mind last second and leveled him up first. Card plays off the charts. I Have him starting now and don’t miss Horry and his clutch at all.

Do you buy your players? Any tips on getting them faster besides the obvious 10% boost players and jerseys?


Rookie 1
Seasons while boring af is the most efficient grind (may change tomorrow, with talk SD wins will reward 150 base 2nd chance points). They can be auto played and with your 60% min bonus added on you're getting 32 points a quarter minimum (more if you chose to buy the second jersey (10%), Ewing (30%) or got lucky/chose to buy McGrady (60%).

The biggest help was quickly closed by EA when seasons were giving even more points initially per win.

If SD does got to 150, as long as you've got a decent squad this becomes the new way to go in addition to these new conference finals games rewarding more points, and of course at least the initial wins for the blitz events.

If you are heading to bed you might as well grind the blitzes to bring your stamina to zero to level up while you sleep.

If you've got the 7 day pass you also have that 200 stamina. I've been saving the 50 stamina, the 200 stamina, and any ads to watch about 10 minutes before the reset each day so I hit the ground running with 800+ stamina.


Rookie 3
I've heard the most efficient way to use your stamina is to lose season games because of the stamina kickback.
This is true last promo. +10 stamina every game lost. Not sure on current though but should be the same. I used to replace my bench with bronze players to get to minimum possible ovr so i can loose even when auto-played.


All-Star 1
Season losses still works, and even with changes tomorrow, it'll give you the most points per stamina spent. But SD will be close enough in reward/stamina ratio that the time saved over seasons will make it the best choice for most ppl


All-Star 1
I thought replaying these new events (coming Fri) was the 2nd best option to losing season games? Especially if you achieve all stars. SD is still risky especially when autoplaying. Too lazy to do the math but I’m only getting 50 per SD match currently so 150 would be a welcome change since I’m compelled (for no apparent reason) to achieve Legend status each week.

Ok, I double checked and 200 pts per 50 stamina is the best possible with the new events so 4:1 pts:stamina. If SD goes to 150 that’s 150:20 or 7.5:1. So if you win 53% or more of your SD matches it makes sense to play SD vs these new events. If SD is only 100:20 or 5:1 then the benefit of the ratio for SD means you need to win more than 80% of your matches to benefit.


All-Star 3
I thought replaying these new events (coming Fri) was the 2nd best option to losing season games? Especially if you achieve all stars. SD is still risky especially when autoplaying. Too lazy to do the math but I’m only getting 50 per SD match currently so 150 would be a welcome change since I’m compelled (for no apparent reason) to achieve Legend status each week.

Ok, I double checked and 200 pts per 50 stamina is the best possible with the new events so 4:1 pts:stamina. If SD goes to 150 that’s 150:20 or 7.5:1. So if you win 53% or more of your SD matches it makes sense to play SD vs these new events. If SD is only 100:20 or 5:1 then the benefit of the ratio for SD means you need to win more than 80% of your matches to benefit.
U have to still account for forfeits too. But ya atleast u can spread ur stamina among various things .. season loss grinding still has its place


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I don't see how you guys can spam season mode at all even when I autoplay I forget about it and end up recycling the same stamina over and over yeah it's an easy way to get points but what's the point if I always have to remember to move on to the next quarter I will spam the shit out of SD when the change comes because I'd rather spend less than 5 minutes to use 20 stamina than 5 minutes to use 5 stamina


All-Star 1
Season is still better than the new events. I'm getting 164 pts for 10 (!) stamina when I lose the game. I'll get 380 for 50 stamina from the new events and 285 for 20 stamina in SD. So if you can grind Season while at work like me, you should still do it. Then when you use up all your stamina later in the day....play a bunch of SD and then burn the rest on the events.


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