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Playoffs Second Chance Promo


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief

At this time during Conference Finals, we can't help but ask ourselves "What if?" What if Kemba Walker and the Charlotte Hornets had been able to squeeze into the 2019 NBA Playoffs? What if Tracy McGrady was able to add a championship to his Hall of Fame stats?

We invite you to make your own team of players that we feel deserve a second chance at glory, instead of going fishin'.

Campaign Dates
Live Date: May 14, 2019 at 10:00 AM EST
End Date: May 30, 2019 at 10:00 AM EST


Campaign Map
  1. Earn Second Chance Points from Blitz Events to earn tokens through the Milestones below.
    1. Pick Tokens are used towards the 92 OVR booster players, 94 OVR levelable players, and 101 OVR Platinum players (listed below) in Sets.
    2. Level Tokens are used to level up the 94 OVR players (listed below) in Sets to 104 OVR.
    3. At Milestones #20...
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All-Star 1
I still dont know how to get the tokens to elevate those 94 ovr to 104 ovr. We'll have to wait.

That's what I wanna know. Elevate tokens? Promo tokens? I'd dig the Porzi at 104. Man, iLogic is so bad at his videos, never gives the details I care about.....doesn't even know half the players.. but I digress


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
That's what I wanna know. Elevate tokens? Promo tokens? I'd dig the Porzi at 104. Man, iLogic is so bad at his videos, never gives the details I care about.....doesn't even know half the players.. but I digress
Yeah unfortunately the GC videos have gone downhill even more for sure they either yell everything or don't know what they're talking about


Rookie 1
This event seems completely ungrindable for free to play players...we need at least a 10K points to get first master ...live events only gave us 4320 points...where do we get the remaining 5000+ points?? dont think we can grind


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