I usually use up all my stamina every 8 hours on the blitz.. finish all my daily and monthly objectives at reset. Between the first wins i grind season and let the stamina accumulate...I don't see how you guys can spam season mode at all even when I autoplay I forget about it and end up recycling the same stamina over and over yeah it's an easy way to get points but what's the point if I always have to remember to move on to the next quarter I will spam the shit out of SD when the change comes because I'd rather spend less than 5 minutes to use 20 stamina than 5 minutes to use 5 stamina
Used to grind seasons at work too but that can be irritating.. one of my league mates told me abt an automatic clicker app .. works pretty well.. now i just leave the device on..it just clicks on the buttons and keeps grinding.