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Lunar New Year Promo (merged)


NBA Legend
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Re: Lunar New Year Campaign


Guessing hardens stats

Yeah that's Harden's stats only a +7 in both stats from the 85 card so not a big increase despite the +11 overall but it's reasonable because the 85 LNY one shouldn't have got 90 3pt to begin with but his defensive stats will be low to bid 80s same with his athleticism almost all of his value comes from shooting


NBA Legend
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Re: Lunar new year

I got 3 91-93 LNY players.

How will you deal with them? eg. keep them for next 2 LNY master (not harden) or exchange them for lillard?

I would hold onto them without a doubt because you could get an envelope master that has way more resale value because it's new then if you don't like the choices just sell it and get Lillard if you so desire
thank you.

do you know Mabury is shooter PG or defensive PG?

You're welcome and since Cousins is defensive and Harden is shooting I'm pretty sure Marbury will be balanced


Rookie 1
Re: Lunar new year

I would hold onto them without a doubt because you could get an envelope master that has way more resale value because it's new then if you don't like the choices just sell it and get Lillard if you so desire
thank you.

do you know Mabury is shooter PG or defensive PG?

You're welcome and since Cousins is defensive and Harden is shooting I'm pretty sure Marbury will be balanced
<EMOJI seq="1f44d-1f3fc"></EMOJI><EMOJI seq="1f44d-1f3fc"></EMOJI>


Rookie 1
Re: Lunar New Year Campaign

Just pulled 96 chris paul from 4th silver envelope. Doing only first win envelope events.


Rookie 3
Re: Lunar New Year Campaign

Do we know if the sets will be extended after the promo ends and the elites becomes auctionable? Wondering if we can still build masters through ah or earn coins from the elites that we are getting.


NBA Legend
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Re: Lunar New Year Campaign

Harden has clutch I was hoping he had BB so that means Marbury is 99% likely to be a balanced PG with BB which already exists in 94 Sexton since Harden is a shooting SG with clutch which also exists already in 94 Iverson

Yes elites will be auctionable and the silver envelopes will be nerfed so if you guys are saving those you better use them now unless you want 2 gold players rather than a chance at 87-96 players

Drexler is also a confirmed Envelope master this week and Bill Walton likely is as well and you can't pull this week's envelope masters in the envelope sets when the new ones come the rest of the news I saw as either useless or already known here


Rookie 3
Thanks stewie. Also do we know if the sets will be extended? Prices of elites will be good if they became auctionable if the sets are still available otherwise they won't get sell even at 50k price. I am thinking if it is agood idea to invest on 25k coins/75k rep packs or should just quit it.


NBA Legend
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Thanks stewie. Also do we know if the sets will be extended? Prices of elites will be good if they became auctionable if the sets are still available otherwise they won't get sell even at 50k price. I am thinking if it is agood idea to invest on 25k coins/75k rep packs or should just quit it.

You're welcome and no word on if the sets extend but this is the first promo I can think of that had an end date announced before the promo came out so I would think that they don't plan on extending it at all


Rookie 3
Okay, thanks again stewie. Maybe will just stop buying the pack as ea scheduling doesn't really favoring me this season. 75k coins a day means around 1m by end of the promo which i think enough to get one 96 when their prices drop.


NBA Legend
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Those that converted caishens into masks may have a way out of it


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NBA Legend
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When does the promo end exactly? Using time zones would be much appreciated.

It does have time zones on it I take it you're not from the US so you don't know what EST is but in UCT terms it's 11 AM on February 8th

Not sure how accurate this is but if you're from South Korea then it will be 8 PM on February 9th for you


Rookie 1
Wait, so once the update happens on Monday, Duncan Paul and Lillard won't be available in the sets?


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
Wait, so once the update happens on Monday, Duncan Paul and Lillard won't be available in the sets?

They will be available in their own set but not in the gold red and elite red envelope sets anymore but no envelope masters will be able to be pulled from the silver red envelopes anymore period


NBA Legend
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