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Harvest Promo Coming 15th of November


Rookie 1
Crap! It?s not even close to what they showed on the test sever, you need to complete all 83 and 86 heroes to get two 89 masters! I?m not really in mood to do the math but I think with no ads and no extra stamina it?s gonna be very difficult :(

Edit: actually it?s not a big change, master tokens had a different picture, but I had this impression that hero sets are extra sets and not required for master sets
Anyone else having troubles with ads?I havent received mine for 3 or 4 days


All-Star 1
In light of this, can somebody please do the "new" math...my head hurts.

The new math looks almost impossible. Bonus packs got nerfed. Shooting is nerfed so the 50 stamina per event is waaay to high. No ads = no stamina = not fun. After watching some GC vids yesterday, I really love how they open a bunch of packs & make it seem like all is well with their huge stash of tokens. But I used all my stamina when I woke up & don't have squat to show for it. Another EA win


All-Star 1
In light of this, can somebody please do the "new" math...my head hurts.

The new math looks almost impossible. Bonus packs got nerfed. Shooting is nerfed so the 50 stamina per event is waaay to high. No ads = no stamina = not fun. After watching some GC vids yesterday, I really love how they open a bunch of packs & make it seem like all is well with their huge stash of tokens. But I used all my stamina when I woke up & don't have squat to show for it. Another EA win
I agree. I think they even nerfed the first wins...50 stamina per event is ridiculous. It could be 25 and I still think it?s ridiculous.


All-Star 1
I swear I saw bonus packs giving more tokens in a video than they are now. Was trying to watch yesterday while I was working, might've got mixed up.


All-Star 3
I swear I saw bonus packs giving more tokens in a video than they are now. Was trying to watch yesterday while I was working, might've got mixed up.
In 4k s video the description said a lot of tokens.. but whne he opened it it was 2 tokens and a card.. so he said it was a mistake


All-Star 1
Maybe that was it. I think description said 10 tokens. They would never give that much in a bonus pack anyways


All-Star 1
My new gripe is the absence of ads. Brian just said on discord that they're giving us a stamina event on Saturday. It'll give us 100 stamina every 8 hours. Replied to someone saying that it's a great deal, better than watching ads all day.... Uh. Nope. I was getting 500 stamina from ads every day bud. This is worse, esp since our stamina needs are through the roof. I'm sure it's a godsend for ppl who weren't getting ads at all but the dude acts like we should be grateful or something
My new gripe is the absence of ads. Brian just said on discord that they're giving us a stamina event on Saturday. It'll give us 100 stamina every 8 hours. Replied to someone saying that it's a great deal, better than watching ads all day.... Uh. Nope. I was getting 500 stamina from ads every day bud. This is worse, esp since our stamina needs are through the roof. I'm sure it's a godsend for ppl who weren't getting ads at all but the dude acts like we should be grateful or something

I don't think he knows about the multi device thing, and if he does, he's probably not trying to spread it in case it works in the new ad system...So he's gonna go by the 250 amount every time lol.

I still agree with you though. I think I saw on twitter him saying that they "pretty much gave us more stamina for free" by increasing the amount in our bars......uhm....I don't have a twitter, but I wanted to reply that no...it allows us to use more of it sooner, but we still have to wait the same amount of time for each point of stamina whether we have 250 or 350. However, I don't mind that change, it allows me to spend less time in the app which I won't complain about.

Of course, there's still the 500 ceiling, which REALLY gets on my nerves. I had to repeatedly play the jackpot just to decrease my stamina so I don't lose 200+ on a level up and I'm not really sure I saved any because it went to the jackpot event.....The one thing I do like about that legend blitz is you can at least burn stamina but only get 50xp so you are still getting SOMETHING out of your stamina instead of wasting it.


Pro 1
I was getting a small amount of ads most of the time, so I'm thankful :p

I think it's better and fair if everyone gets the same amount of stamina. You guys with 500 stamina via ads were getting an advantage that didn't seem fair to me xD

Anyway, about this harvest promo, I got two 83 already (w/ rep&coin pack, 1 refill for events, and lots of stored bonus packs), Curry to 80 (+33col). Will get Curry only to 83 for defensive bench and will aim for an 86 set card.

More than that seems too hard without stopping everything else (like impact, elevate or fb first wins).

Things aren't easy to obtain so the market is barely crashing.


Pro 1
This promo looks nice!!! but how do i get the Food Drive Master collectible? its not the sets? :( thx

Complete hero sets.

Gotcha! wow that seems hard considering staminas are 50 a piece... Which one of the masters is the easiest to Grind?? Should i go for Curry or Tatum... Looks like Curry is easier no?

I?d go for Curry.. we were supposed to be able to get two masters but Brian is a liar..


All-Star 1
More than that seems too hard without stopping everything else (like impact, elevate or fb first wins).

Seems like finishing Curry or the 86's first (before other events) is the best use of stamina right now if you want to increase OVR. I'm planning to cut back my daily activity to completing daily objectives, first wins on impact, elevate and flashback as well as the promo. Remaining stamina to reach Legend this week (since I'm over half way there already and will be SSIII by end of today). I'll cutout the other daily events, legacy (wasn't really doing it anyway) and next gen first wins. Undecided on Legend Blitz for Sat but at least first wins.
Complete hero sets.

Gotcha! wow that seems hard considering staminas are 50 a piece... Which one of the masters is the easiest to Grind?? Should i go for Curry or Tatum... Looks like Curry is easier no?

I?d go for Curry.. we were supposed to be able to get two masters but Brian is a liar..

Curry is a master, and you can get one of Tatum or Mutumbo. That's 2 masters.

Just gotta grind both, but as more Curry events open up it will get easier (of course it's more stamina needed) but it will get easier. Rep packs will help, too.


Rookie 1
The raw number of tokens required each day is easy enough to figure - about 73 per day for 89 Curry over the 13 days and about 40 food tokens each for Tatum and Mutumbo per day (that includes the number needed for the underlying 86s and 83s).

But has anyone crunched the number to see how much stamina we?re actually talking about per day? Has EA given us room to actually do Harvest and our other daily events? How much stamina is a grinder going to have to buy to finish everything?


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