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Harvest Promo Coming 15th of November

Coin packs cost 30k and rep packs cost 40k. You?re limited to 1 pack per day. The tokens are for the Curry campaign and the Food Drive Masters campaigns respectively but I can?t remember off the top of my head which pack rewards which campaign.

Turns out there won?t be Daily log in rewards after all.


All-Star 3
Coin packs cost 30k and rep packs cost 40k. You?re limited to 1 pack per day. The tokens are for the Curry campaign and the Food Drive Masters campaigns respectively but I can?t remember off the top of my head which pack rewards which campaign.

Turns out there won?t be Daily log in rewards after all.

Oh ok. So guess wont need much coins moving forward into this promo.. thanks


Rookie 1
Crap! It?s not even close to what they showed on the test sever, you need to complete all 83 and 86 heroes to get two 89 masters! I?m not really in mood to do the math but I think with no ads and no extra stamina it?s gonna be very difficult :(

Edit: actually it?s not a big change, master tokens had a different picture, but I had this impression that hero sets are extra sets and not required for master sets


Rookie 2
Crap! It?s not even close to what they showed on the test sever, you need to complete all 83 and 86 heroes to get two 89 masters! I?m not really in mode to do the math but I think with no ads and no extra stamina it?s gonna be very difficult :(

so the 83s give 2 food drive masters each (2x4=8).
the 85s give 5 each (5x4=20)

and each of the 2 89s requires exactly 14 of those.
So it's going to be quite a grind!


Pro 1
Crap! It?s not even close to what they showed on the test sever

what changed exactly?

Not sure , but Josh in his video said that heroes are extra sets, but apparently he was wrong, we need to complete hero sets to get master tokens

Hmmm maybe he misled you with the way he worded it or didn't had it all figured out, but the set requirements for the 89 he has in his early video are the same we have now.
Going to be a dificult grind for the time given but those saved bonus packs definitely came in handy. Opened 60 today with 57 FB packs also saved.


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