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Harvest Promo Coming 15th of November


All-Star 1
85.. 83, 83, 82 i think.
i had bought alot of 83+'s for each lineup, and just dont see the value in keeping an elite bench for SH/BAL/DEF @ this stage as there are no boosts

Ok, that makes sense. I only have 80 or less on my bench in those lineups.


All-Star 1
FWIW, daily log-in rewards will return with Harvest. Coin and rep packs will be limited to 1 per day and only contain set items. I believe there are gold Harvest players in the store but they're not used for any sets.

Huh curious how much P2w will cost) how they'll structure it l if there are only tokens & not players.


Rookie 1
No GC videos yet for Harvest. Some chat on the discord server suggests a few problems with the details for rolling it out tomorrow, they hope they can release it tomorrow though of course. Let's see...


All-Star 3
No GC videos yet for Harvest. Some chat on the discord server suggests a few problems with the details for rolling it out tomorrow, they hope they can release it tomorrow though of course. Let's see...
Ya was wondering what happened to the GCs
Some more info from Asros

With 'master that upgrades like tip-off did' I wonder if it's Wilt-kind or Isiah-kind

Think of Lebron from OSM where we start with a low gold (75 I believe he said) and use the campaign to build it. I?m pretty sure this player is Curry.

This Info coming from discord as well?

I think I saw this on Twitter, in one of Brian?s replies. I tried that discord a while back and it just seemed like a bunch of 15 year olds arguing over stupid stuff....but this is a mobile game after all...and that?s an age group it attracts I guess. I?m just looking for information lol, not having to sift thru teens calling each other trash back and forth.


Rookie 1
The AH will collapse 4 sure! Tonne of 83s +86s to go with the 3x 89s + 90
INHO.. Grind grind token only promo

Hopefully it does! I?ve been keeping my eye on a Hoodie Melo Card for a week now but I?m not dropping 700-800k on it!


All-Star 1
Hopefully this puts some differentiation into everyone's lineup. Tired of playing against the same 5 all day long


All-Star 1
Brian said it in the discord chat. He actually said "it's now 88", meaning it's already taken care of


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