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Black Friday Thread


Rookie 3
16 - 90s Fri - Sun
1 - 90 Mon (@ this stage per @commonDjapan curry 90


i sort of dont get the math if they repeat....

if 4 Fri->Sun every 4 hrs, there are 2, and 18x90s, then everything would make sense


All-Star 1
Idk what you don't get. There's a new set every 4 hours and once it cycles through all of them it repeats until reset Monday. Then there are different sets on Monday including one 90 OVR. The other 16 players go away
That's how it sounds to me anyway


All-Star 1
At this point, I?m likely only going to have enough BF tokens to upgrade Curry. I?m only halfway to 500 so I doubt I can get an additional 250 (let alone 350 if I want to upgrade Curry and get a 90). Is there any early favorites of the 16 BF players or are we still waiting for stats?


Pro 1
Is there any early favorites of the 16 BF players or are we still waiting for stats?

I think we only know names at this point, no stats.

Also, if I read it right, the 4 players of the day are available for 24h. the other sets are the ones rotating each 4h.
Also, the 90 OVR Curry will have the same card art as the 89. Brian wanted to have all three Masters upgradable to a 90 but the production team only had time to do one so he went with Curry.


All-Star 3
I believe 175 tokens gets you an 86 OVR player and 250 tokens gets you an 87 OVR player.
Any idea if they are Random players or new black friday players? Thanks

Btw what are everyone planning to do with their tickets?.. its obvious its going to be almost impossible for a f2o to have 500 ...
I think they are past players like Wilt or Anthony Davis. If you are lucky you might be able to get a legend.

I haven't decided what to do with my tickets. I need to save 100 tokens for the 90 Curry and then I might try to grind for a 250 ticket pack. Brian did say that if you had 250 tickets by today then you were on track to get a 90 BF player so they may yet be grindable.
I think they are past players like Wilt or Anthony Davis. If you are lucky you might be able to get a legend.

I haven't decided what to do with my tickets. I need to save 100 tokens for the 90 Curry and then I might try to grind for a 250 ticket pack. Brian did say that if you had 250 tickets by today then you were on track to get a 90 BF player so they may yet be grindable.

I could see 250 by today being enough. Might require a nice chunk of rep and/or coins to be spent every 4 hours as well as the events, however.


All-Star 3
I think they are past players like Wilt or Anthony Davis. If you are lucky you might be able to get a legend.

I haven't decided what to do with my tickets. I need to save 100 tokens for the 90 Curry and then I might try to grind for a 250 ticket pack. Brian did say that if you had 250 tickets by today then you were on track to get a 90 BF player so they may yet be grindable.

Ill have 250 but i still need to complete 87 and 89 curry (will get tatum in a few hours) .. so i doubt ill have stamina to go towards the black Friday live events.
But if i end this promo with 89 curry and tatum thats more than enuf.. anything more would be a plus


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