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2019 Playoffs Underdogs Promo


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
Anyone grinding SD?, I have 31.5k now with 10% jersey boost from blitz events and SD
SD for the most part isn't worth the trouble for the points because you need to win almost all of your games and spend way more time playing to get more than you'll get by just playing the blitz events


Rookie 1
Yeah and then there’s always that chance that the 103 and 104 aren’t auto playing and they destroy your A.i. Like minimum 15 point lead lol


All-Star 1
I've got so many freaking SD tokens right now.... Not worth the time. Hopefully they update the Masters in the next couple weeks.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I've got so many freaking SD tokens right now.... Not worth the time. Hopefully they update the Masters in the next couple weeks.
They will because they said once the overall curve hits 104 then they will update the SD (and presumably elevate cards since they said that would get updated soon too) and we already have 1 104 card so next promo we should have a few masters at 104 giving them the best opportunity to upgrade both to 105


All-Star 1
Yeah, I know Brian said that regarding 104 top level but you never know with these cats..... sometimes seemingly simple things take them forever to implement


All-Star 1
I’ve been thinking about this whole saving your 100 pack until series is decided. What happens to those who are slow rolling the promo and don’t finish the 100 pack until the last day or two of the promo? Presumably some of the series could already be decided when they get their pack so it’s the same effect as stashing your pack until it’s decided. Once again, poorly thought out...


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
Yeah, I know Brian said that regarding 104 top level but you never know with these cats..... sometimes seemingly simple things take them forever to implement
Yeah I take everything with a grain of salt especially if it came from Jenny like the info about the Elevate cards hopefully they go with with it
I’ve been thinking about this whole saving your 100 pack until series is decided. What happens to those who are slow rolling the promo and don’t finish the 100 pack until the last day or two of the promo? Presumably some of the series could already be decided when they get their pack so it’s the same effect as stashing your pack until it’s decided. Once again, poorly thought out...

By the time the promo is over, the series will be in Game 5. I think all the series will go to Game 6. Maybe the Warriors could finish earlier, but EA knows that & made the Iggy card the worst of all.


Rookie 1
By the time the promo is over, the series will be in Game 5. I think all the series will go to Game 6. Maybe the Warriors could finish earlier, but EA knows that & made the Iggy card the worst of all.
I believe that the Warriors will unfortunately win in 5 games, but Iggy's card is not the worst card imo. All of the players' cards have nerfed stats, and Iggy is not any 3pt shooter, hes just a great defender and solid slasher.


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
Stewie, which is better McDermott with Clutch Ability or Butler?
I might get Jokic...McDermott is doing fine in my LU
I've had enough time to play with Butler and he's just as good as McDermott on offense will a little better defense and plays faster


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
Is your Butler with the ability? And if it is do you find it helpful/useful.
No I'm 2 days from the ability but I saw where the zone is and unless you can hut a step back from there to make it a 3 then I don't see much use for a corner 2


Rookie 1
No I'm 2 days from the ability but I saw where the zone is and unless you can hut a step back from there to make it a 3 then I don't see much use for a corner 2

Yeah I saw on QJB video that Kyries activation is on the corner but Jimmy Buckets is kinda in the middle close to the free throw line. So there is no stepping back from that area.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Yeah I saw on QJB video that Kyries activation is on the corner but Jimmy Buckets is kinda in the middle close to the free throw line. So there is no stepping back from that area.
Oh yeah I didn't watch the videos I just saw a pic I can't stand his videos but it's dumb they have 2 different spots for 2pt clutch which is brand new but so far only 1 spot for 3pt clutch


All-Star 1
Yeah I saw on QJB video that Kyries activation is on the corner but Jimmy Buckets is kinda in the middle close to the free throw line. So there is no stepping back from that area.
What about running from the base line towards 3pt line and activating clutch at the top of the zone so you get the jump stop animation?


All-Star 1
Anyone know how Kyrie plays on manual/ AI? Was gonna get Jokic but now that I've got 103 Whiteside, thinking I should grab Kyrie as my next Master instead. Using Boomer, I'd think Kyrie would be a pick master


Rookie 1
What about running from the base line towards 3pt line and activating clutch at the top of the zone so you get the jump stop animation?

That could be a possibility but you need a clear area for that to work like if your isolating your defender.


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