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2019 Playoffs Underdogs Promo


Rookie 1
Should I pick gasol ? My current lineup
I was thinking iggy I saved the pack


  • Screenshot_2019-05-09-01-26-59.png
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Steve Rogers

Rookie 2
Should I pick gasol ? My current lineup
I was thinking iggy I saved the pack
Your starting lineup is very good...you lack a reserve SF but you can grind Melo in this new promo because he will be probably a SF...so for the pick i recomend to choose gasol..cheers
Almost getting all the masters for free! Im at 150k points all f2p thanks to EAs stimulus package! Only downside i think i now have tendinitis on my wrists from holding my tablet for hours lol


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Almost getting all the masters for free! Im at 150k points all f2p thanks to EAs stimulus package! Only downside i think i now have tendinitis on my wrists from holding my tablet for hours lol
Odd how some got it and others didn't despite doing the same thing on the same OSs


All-Star 3
Almost getting all the masters for free! Im at 150k points all f2p thanks to EAs stimulus package! Only downside i think i now have tendinitis on my wrists from holding my tablet for hours lol
Just got the stimulus package now.. dont know if i can grind out the third master in the time remaining.. here go my thumbs...


Rookie 1
No because he won't be changed until the round is over and they haven't released details on how they'll upgrade the cards
I see, thanks for info.
Anyways I've chosen Vanvleet... Hoping that Raptors would win in six. His 103 boosted stats should be nice.


Rookie 3
It was weird. I got it 9hours after my leaguemates. It came in at different times for some people. Man that sucks it didn't happen to you or it might have at some point?
I got the pack after the usual 24 hour reset, so maybe that’s why people got them on different time. Good thing i had enough time for 2nd master when i received it.


All-Star 1
Dont have it right now.. will have to wait and c after the 24 hr reset
I never got it. I know another guy who did and he had the weekly pass. There was a weird screen from the weekly pass pack that appeared every time he logged back in. Lasted for about 18hrs.


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