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112 lineup thread


Rookie 1
Why are your Rookie PG and SG showing 93ovr? Are they not trained or is it the visual glitch? If they are 93s then you need to train them.

Yeah are they haven't trained yet, don't wanna spend coins if they can't help me reach 112 but if can will trained they of course.
So it's possible to me if I trained both of they ? Or i still need snipe PF Brandon and train him ?
Yeah are they haven't trained yet, don't wanna spend coins if they can't help me reach 112 but if can will trained they of course.
So it's possible to me if I trained both of they ? Or i still need snipe PF Brandon and train him ?
I'd say you need Brandon as well. If i remove Brandon and use a 108-109 PF I go back to 111.


Rookie 1
I'd say you need Brandon as well. If i remove Brandon and use a 108-109 PF I go back to 111.

Yeah think so, have done trained that two guys and still at 111 ,of course need to snipe Brandon and trained him but no see one at my AH

Yes, worst case you can get the Sonics jerseys. I think duo KD or Illustrated Butler maxed might also mean your boost item could switch to defensive if that's of interest to you.

Already have that jersey, thanks for the suggestion maybe will switch to defensive boost item and buy KD if brandon don't bring me to 112


All-Star 1
Already have that jersey, thanks for the suggestion maybe will switch to defensive boost item and buy KD if brandon don't bring me to 112
Did you get both? I just figured out both let me bench Edward's and start Harden to maintain 112 without any other changes to my lineup.


Rookie 1
Got there - cheers lucky and sniped harden this morning. But works with Arnold walker too.


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Rookie 3
Is there a way to get to 112 with Tiny Archibald as a starting PG?

Bought yesterday morning because I saw him for 622K, and so far he's been outstanding, especially in showdown! He gets a lot of steals, rarely misses a pass and is a consistent shooter with a primary stat for outside shooting higher than any 110/109 guard. Plus, he has BB ability AND a +2 boost.

But he's only 108 and after I get Shaq and replace Ayton with Jokic, he'll be the lowest ovr player in my lineup.

Is it possible? If not, I'll just throw the rookies in there to make a BS 112 lineup, just so I can finish high, but I'll keep playing with an alternative 111 lineup of players that I actually like playing with.

These are the players I have:

110 Magic
110 Edwards
109 Kyrie
109 illustrated Harden
108 Archibald
107 Shaq

110 Harden
110 Westbrook
110 Alexander-Walker
110 Hield (which has gone from worst ever to decent)
109 Middleton
107 CJ
106 Korver

110 Kawhi
109 Doncic
109 Durant
109 illustrated PG13

109 Giannis
108 Zion
108 Duncan
102 Siakam (working on leveling him to 109)

110 Shaq (when I finish the last flashback set in a couple days)
108 Olajuwan
108 Ayton
108 Embiid

Hardwood classic Bulls (+5 off Reb)
City Lakers (+3DREB, +3 SWC)

United Center (+3 3pt)
Fool's Court (+5 DREB)

Boost items
NBA All Defensive (+7 block, +7 steal)
All-NBA first team (+7 on ball, +7 CS)
Raptors First Appearance (+7 dunk, +7 steal)

Ideally, I'd go for a defensive lineup, because at this point, scoring is less of an issue than defense in AI.

Any input would be welcome. Personally, I don't think it's possible to get to 112 with Archibald, but if you guys can find a way, that would be very much appreciated!

Of course, all of the above is moot if I somehow actually manage to FINALLY snipe LeBron.


Rookie 1
Is there a way to get to 112 with Tiny Archibald as a starting PG?

Bought yesterday morning because I saw him for 622K, and so far he's been outstanding, especially in showdown! He gets a lot of steals, rarely misses a pass and is a consistent shooter with a primary stat for outside shooting higher than any 110/109 guard. Plus, he has BB ability AND a +2 boost.

But he's only 108 and after I get Shaq and replace Ayton with Jokic, he'll be the lowest ovr player in my lineup.

Is it possible? If not, I'll just throw the rookies in there to make a BS 112 lineup, just so I can finish high, but I'll keep playing with an alternative 111 lineup of players that I actually like playing with.

These are the players I have:

110 Magic
110 Edwards
109 Kyrie
109 illustrated Harden
108 Archibald
107 Shaq

110 Harden
110 Westbrook
110 Alexander-Walker
110 Hield (which has gone from worst ever to decent)
109 Middleton
107 CJ
106 Korver

110 Kawhi
109 Doncic
109 Durant
109 illustrated PG13

109 Giannis
108 Zion
108 Duncan
102 Siakam (working on leveling him to 109)

110 Shaq (when I finish the last flashback set in a couple days)
108 Olajuwan
108 Ayton
108 Embiid

Hardwood classic Bulls (+5 off Reb)
City Lakers (+3DREB, +3 SWC)

United Center (+3 3pt)
Fool's Court (+5 DREB)

Boost items
NBA All Defensive (+7 block, +7 steal)
All-NBA first team (+7 on ball, +7 CS)
Raptors First Appearance (+7 dunk, +7 steal)

Ideally, I'd go for a defensive lineup, because at this point, scoring is less of an issue than defense in AI.

Any input would be welcome. Personally, I don't think it's possible to get to 112 with Archibald, but if you guys can find a way, that would be very much appreciated!

Of course, all of the above is moot if I somehow actually manage to FINALLY snipe LeBron.

Good luck.
Pf is where you’ll struggle don’t think you’ll make it with 109 giannis he needs to be on bench - maybe 110 markannen but think you’ll need Pearce
Might get away with it with shaq at 111 at C

Harden (buy)
Durant (I got 108 dr.j and 108 Tatum they worked)
Giannis 109
109 Davis (can’t see you getting there without him) can try olijuwan but very much doubt will be there.

All defensive coach
+6 lakers
+ 5 bulls



Rookie 3

So, buying PG Harden and Davis could get me there. I'll have to sell a few players to get enough coins though. Pierce is impossible to get. I've only seen him once in the past two weeks..

Will 109 Jokic instead of Davis on the bench work?
Damn what else do i need to do? View attachment 2824
First I would try getting a Sonic jersey from the set with +8 total boost and replace the Bulls jersey. If that doesn't work then try replacing Jokic with the Duo Jokic with boost. If that doesn't work then you would need Finale Shaq or 109 C Simmons with +4 block to team I think.


All-Star 1
First I would try getting a Sonic jersey from the set with +8 total boost and replace the Bulls jersey. If that doesn't work then try replacing Jokic with the Duo Jokic with boost. If that doesn't work then you would need Finale Shaq or 109 C Simmons with +4 block to team I think.
What Juke said but I’d give both Sonics jerseys a try before moving onto players. Nobody really understands how boosts work relative to team OVR and it seems to be a huge factor when OVR pts alone don’t get you there (eg I’ve seen 2 lower OVR pts than you at 112).


Rookie 1
First I would try getting a Sonic jersey from the set with +8 total boost and replace the Bulls jersey. If that doesn't work then try replacing Jokic with the Duo Jokic with boost. If that doesn't work then you would need Finale Shaq or 109 C Simmons with +4 block to team I think.
Yup Jokic was the key


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