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112 lineup thread


All-Star 1
Still stuck at 111.. It's a strong 111, because I can swap 109 Simmons for a 105 center without boost, while staying at 111ovr, so I'm guessing Shaq will push me to 112. I'm at 1106 now, so replacing 108 Olajuwan with 109 Jokic might push me to a borderline 112 with a 1107 total, but I keep failing to snipe him with the 1,1M coins I have left.

I've wasted way too many coins on cards that won't help my main lineup but that I wanted to play around with.

Only three more days to go. Will try to sell Harden and buy Magic in the meantime. Harden's clutch and +3 boost are good, but he's terrible at defense and keeps losing the ball against strong defensive teams.
I'd just gut the team and go into Tuesday with some coins


Rookie 1
Do you think that one more card only, e.g. Doncic 109, will push me up to 112? Prolly not, but just asking... I am at 1106 grand total now.


Rookie 3
I'd just gut the team and go into Tuesday with some coins
Yeah, that's something I'm considering too.. Kind of debating whether to sell now or wait until I get Shaq, so I can at least take a screenshot that I made it to 112 out of principle.


All-Star 3
Yeah, that's something I'm considering too.. Kind of debating whether to sell now or wait until I get Shaq, so I can at least take a screenshot that I made it to 112 out of principle.
I don't know.. whether coins are that Important or ur legacy lineup is important is anyones guess.. just wait a day or 2 to decide... See what the multi year lineup is


All-Star 1
Do you think that one more card only, e.g. Doncic 109, will push me up to 112? Prolly not, but just asking... I am at 1106 grand total now. View attachment 2900
Nope. The only lineups that get to 112 with 1106/7/8 have Daily Beats Masters and /or Fusion. If you're using the Elevates to get there you'll need 1108+


All-Star 1
I don't know.. whether coins are that Important or ur legacy lineup is important is anyones guess.. just wait a day or 2 to decide... See what the multi year lineup is
Brian said today that the multi-year lineup will be used for a chapter based campaign revolving around Game of the Night. So.. doubtful it'll be vital that it's a great lineup..... But we'll at least get to use it regularly. He didn't say if it would be used in PVP at all..... Thinking it won't....


All-Star 3
Brian said today that the multi-year lineup will be used for a chapter based campaign revolving around Game of the Night. So.. doubtful it'll be vital that it's a great lineup..... But we'll at least get to use it regularly. He didn't say if it would be used in PVP at all..... Thinking it won't....
Ya heard abt that.. just worried what they'll surprise us with suddenly in season 4..


Rookie 1
View attachment 2903
Thanks but... Not even Leonard is enough!! Any other suggestions? Much appreciated

I believe you need more team boost since murray, middleton also durant just boost specific one (need replace two of them I think) and maybe you can replace your bulls jersey for new sonic jersey It give you +8 team boost think it will help you reach 112


Rookie 1
I believe you need more team boost since murray, middleton also durant just boost specific one (need replace two of them I think) and maybe you can replace your bulls jersey for new sonic jersey It give you +8 team boost think it will help you reach 112
You mean the Sonic jersey you get with the highlight reel cards? Didn't know it gives +8 - which exactly? Thanks!


Rookie 3
Well, not even Shaq got me to 112, despite a total of 1109.. So **** it, I'm getting my team to 111 or a strong 110 and going into the season with around 15M in coins. I'm done chasing 112.


Rookie 3
Weird We have almost the exact same lineup. You might have to replace either Murray or Middleton with Harden or Westbrook. Here is my lineup....
View attachment 2904
I had this lineup too, but Porzingis instead of Clarke and Simmons instead of Jokic. I even tried swapping out Edwards with Magic, but no dice..

Just got Shaq-week Yao in a 104+ pack so I'm starting him and selling Shaq. I like Yao better in manual gameplay, and at least Shaq gets me 4-5M in coins.


Rookie 1
I had this lineup too, but Porzingis instead of Clarke and Simmons instead of Jokic. I even tried swapping out Edwards with Magic, but no dice..

Just got Shaq-week Yao in a 104+ pack so I'm starting him and selling Shaq. I like Yao better in manual gameplay, and at least Shaq gets me 4-5M in coins.
Just buy Clarke and train him to max and you will be 112


Rookie 1
I almost gave up after hours of ah last night but finally got the Freak and then cashed in my triple tokens to get Vince.

Doubt I'll find Brodie but that 109 sf Yao would make a nice final addition.


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