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112 lineup thread


Rookie 1
Here are my 112 F2P (other than weekly energy packs)

1111 Def.png

1110 Def.png

1109 Bal.png

1109 Bal2.png

And here is a 111.1 team that doesn't make the cut to 112


Rookie 2
thanks guys, I skipped the rookies & that was probably a wrong turn...
I just prefer cards I know and can connect to.

Never mind the bollocks here come the sex pistols S4! ;)
(Yes, I'm old...)


All-Star 3
thanks guys, I skipped the rookies & that was probably a wrong turn...
I just prefer cards I know and can connect to.

Never mind the bollocks here come the sex pistols S4! ;)
(Yes, I'm old...)
I got the rookies. And reached 112..Affected my gameplay too much in league.. ditched them.. stayed at 111.. nice thing is my other teams are all 110s bcz of elevated/illustrated/rookies


Rookie 1
I got the rookies. And reached 112..Affected my gameplay too much in league.. ditched them.. stayed at 111.. nice thing is my other teams are all 110s bcz of elevated/illustrated/rookies

I just started using my 112 as a defense on LvL.
It has the same starting players as my primary lineup with the exception of 109 SG Middleton with BB

1109 Bal2.png

On offense though, if I'm attacking a 111 or below, i will use my primary 111 team that is full boosts and abilities (except PF)

I feel having a 112 as Defense means that you will most likely will start with the ball and kill time off the clock which will only aggravate your opponent even more.


All-Star 3
I just started using my 112 as a defense on LvL.
It has the same starting players as my primary lineup with the exception of 109 SG Middleton with BB

View attachment 2923

On offense though, if I'm attacking a 111 or below, i will use my primary 111 team that is full boosts and abilities (except PF)

I feel having a 112 as Defense means that you will most likely will start with the ball and kill time off the clock which will only aggravate your opponent even more.
Tried that a few days.. opponent scored +26 (110)/ +21(109)/ +20(111).. my alt 110 with boosts rarely gives up that much (granted Yao is the of in that)

Changed back to 111 with boosts..Way better .. manual and ai.. and luckily sniped lbj b4 the ah closed


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