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112 lineup thread


All-Star 1
You need to:
Move Harden to bench so he gives team boost
Use 110 Edwards for starting PG
Replace Griffin w someone who boosts to 110 and gives team boost like Zion
Use Fools Court
Use Bulls Jersey
Pray that's enough

This is the closest I could get to your lineup & it's short but I have good bench boosts to team..... Idk man

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Rookie 1
Let me know if I can reach 112 with train the 3 of that rookie elevate players and reach Max level of parish of course (will snipe brandon if that seems possible) just have 80 platinum token so it's enough for elevate 3 player to 110.



All-Star 3
@ amma I don't think so.. both ur centres are low.. u need atleast 2 more 110s

@ Alex.. ur pf will have to be a 109 atleast.. and ur bench c has to be up to 110


Rookie 3
I can finally dump Middleton now.

Edit: MM Westbrook is auctionable too!

Edit: And somehow the flashback and legends sets have been reset, so I'll be getting 110 Shaq before the end of the promo after all.
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Rookie 3
no. But the cards were rare. I spent a lot of time getting them. prolly 50-60 hours over 4 weeks. Don’t tell me p2w don’t grind.
I don't know if it's because of the surge in bullshit cards with high OVR's, but I've seen Shaq live four times now in the past half hour.

Too bad the ONLY card I really want hasn't shown up in the past two weeks!


Rookie 1
I can finally dump Middleton now.

Edit: MM Westbrook is auctionable too!

Edit: And somehow the flashback and legends sets have been reset, so I'll be getting 110 Shaq before the end of the promo after all.

Yep and somehow the cooldown of exchange elite LvL token has been remove, no cooldown now
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Pro 2
I didn’t really have a 112 goal but got there. My goal was all 111 lineups - nba, elevate, street, shooting, defense, balanced. Finished the last one with a 109 Admiral pull this morning.

Im done. No more searching ah for a 6mil sf just to get street to 111.


Rookie 1
This is my lineup now

I have enough tokens to get shaq at c.
Does the daily beat finale set still only have 3 players?
Will 110 shaq and 109 duo pf ginnis get me to 112?


All-Star 3
This is my lineup now
View attachment 2805

I have enough tokens to get shaq at c.
Does the daily beat finale set still only have 3 players?
Will 110 shaq and 109 duo pf ginnis get me to 112?
i guess same 3 choices will be there.. im guessing ull have to go for a 110 sf too..
either way go for shaq.. ur weakest position


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