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111 Line Up Thread


All-Star 1
I used cash. I also had weekly pass. I did all my objectives daily for gold tokens and then I would put half the gold tokens in the elite set and use cash to buy it out, think it was 30 cash. Also bought both store packs for several days, ones that give 5 elite tokens for 200 cash. Also had 100 bonus packs saved.
Told you it was the bonus packs...haha


All-Star 1
Normally wouldn't use cash but with end of season nearing, I said why not. He's fun to play with. Almost have him finished with BB
I like his cards this season. I may finish off the BB as well especially since I’m sitting on +800 Bonus Packs and I doubt there will be another reason to open them in Oct.


All-Star 3
I like his cards this season. I may finish off the BB as well especially since I’m sitting on +800 Bonus Packs and I doubt there will be another reason to open them in Oct.
Wish they would tell us abt the date of the reset . ..
But will open the packs too in the last week I guess
Next promo also rumored to be points again


All-Star 1
Wish they would tell us abt the date of the reset . ..
But will open the packs too in the last week I guess
Next promo also rumored to be points again
Any other details? Saw Diavalo say that we'd like the next promo, also said something about 109 Iverson being outdated by tomorrow..... But didn't see any details on anything


All-Star 1
Hopefully it's a good one. I need one or two 109s and I think I can hit 112 & be done for the year. I've gotta be close.

View attachment 2490
Have you guys seen a team OVR that is +2 or more of the bench OVR? I think this may be a factor in the goofy OVR calculations because it seems like a lot of bench OVR are only 1 below the team OVR but I could be wrong.

Edit: Never mind, there are some examples shown in this thread but maybe those are limited exceptions where the calculation is even worse than usual?!


All-Star 1
Have you guys seen a team OVR that is +2 or more of the bench OVR? I think this may be a factor in the goofy OVR calculations because it seems like a lot of bench OVR are only 1 below the team OVR but I could be wrong.

Edit: Never mind, there are some examples shown in this thread but maybe those are limited exceptions where the calculation is even worse than usual?!

I can do it a couple different ways. But my starters may be giving it extra juice. Not sure



All-Star 1
Random question, but how is Ewing? Worth the 3-5m?
Idk, played about 3 SD games so far and it's hard to tell. I've been nerfed in all of em vs lower OVR and he hasn't done much outside of a few rebounds and layups. I figured he'd make a Monster def paired w Shaq but the AI is just draining 3s & mids. Will have to get some more games in. Got a new LVL tourney in a few hours. That should give me better insight. But so far. .....I like 108 Duncan better. I only got Ewing to try & max my coach boost & hoped he'd get to 111.


Pro 1
Idk, played about 3 SD games so far and it's hard to tell. I've been nerfed in all of em vs lower OVR and he hasn't done much outside of a few rebounds and layups. I figured he'd make a Monster def paired w Shaq but the AI is just draining 3s & mids. Will have to get some more games in. Got a new LVL tourney in a few hours. That should give me better insight. But so far. .....I like 108 Duncan better. I only got Ewing to try & max my coach boost & hoped he'd get to 111.
Have you tried him in a 110 lineup? I tried 111 and voilà, the AI superpower rebounding came back. Switch back to 110, my KG and Hakeem get literally every single board.


Pro 1

111 only performs well versus another 111. Smh.

This was against PG Yao and I lost both jumpballs. Ended up going +32 in total (21-8 the first Q). Guy only did +15 to me. Shame, if jumpballs weren’t completely rigged against me now I would’ve went +38.


All-Star 1
With these you’re very close to 111 especially with TD and Gasol. They’re both 109.6 but I’d go with the top one over the one with Dr. J.

That being said, Admiral is the obvious replacement here, and if you happen to get your hands on GT Zion or 110 Harden then you’re pretty much there.

Replacing Admiral with Ayton could work. I’d try it myself but I don’t have Magic and unfortunately I don’t have SG Shaq. Replacing Admiral with Ayton is risky because while it’s +1 to your total overall I’m assuming Duncan would drop to 109 which doesn’t get anywhere.

Now, one card may bump you to 111 alone; GT Ben Simmons. It’s +2 to your overall, +3 if he happens to boost to 111 in your lineup (Saw someone had him at 111 with just 3/5 chemistry, but then again it was the We Believe Kerr booster) and +1 at the least if for whatever reason TD drops to 109. Even if it was +1, my OG 111 lineup was 109.7 which is what this hypothetical lineup would be at the least. If it were still 110, you may have to use the Bulls +5 ORB jersey, which is what I had to do to be 111.

Not much else comes to mind.
I tried boosted Rookie Ayton (and Zion) and as you suspected he drops TD so no net gain. I was able to get to 1098 but still no dice.



Pro 1
Just SD really. lvl waffles day to day. pvp is different because you aren’t playing ai and it’s an ai issue.
LvL has the biggest impact for me but I don’t touch SD outside of objectives so I cannot speak on it much.


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