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111 Line Up Thread


Rookie 1
View attachment 2701

Stuck too .. moving them around doesn't do anything
Tried hakeem instead but hendoesnt boost to 110. So..

It's the individual boost bench players you would need to change...Murray, Middleton, Doncic.

Perhaps the Sonics +8 boost jersey would help as well (having both is likely redundant as they give the same boosts).

PG Westbrook?
SG Iverson?
SF - Dr. J? or might be able to use Tatum (if using elevated Edwards / Alexander)


All-Star 3
It's the individual boost bench players you would need to change...Murray, Middleton, Doncic.

Perhaps the Sonics +8 boost jersey would help as well (having both is likely redundant as they give the same boosts).

PG Westbrook?
SG Iverson?
SF - Dr. J? or might be able to use Tatum (if using elevated Edwards / Alexander)
Got the the rookies and that got mw to 112. Cheapest way at this point if u had elevate tokens lying around which i did


All-Star 3
Damn that's unlucky.. I think just a single 110 in ur lineup would have made u 111.. 110 Westbrook would have been the cheapest option if the AH was open


Rookie 1

Since the AH was close, you need to use you elite highlight tokens to do if you have many of them use it for 109 fan favorites select pack (need 60) and select POG 109 ray then put him as bench and middleton as starters also take one of two sonic jersey select pack it's will help you boost to 111 maybe


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