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111 Line Up Thread


Rookie 3
Understatement to be honest. LeBron is the best defensive PG since F&I Simmons from last season in my experience. The double clutch is icing on the cake. Curry can’t block whatsoever either, even with stellar timing lol
Yeah, sucks that he's impossible to snipe for me apparently


Rookie 3
Have you tried switching around players and using the Fools court with +5 boosts? Put the Fools court in then try:
1) Switching Iverson and Middleton.
2) Switching Hakeem and Ayton.

My guess is its Hakeem that needs to be replaced.
I hit 111 with either Middleton or Zion as a starter. But I like playing with Giannis and Iverson better.


All-Star 1
I hit 111 with either Middleton or Zion as a starter. But I like playing with Giannis and Iverson better.
Play with who you like. Honestly, 111 is almost a liability. 112 is great but 111 just gets you nerfed against lower OVR. Better off having a strong 110 that you like


Rookie 3
Play with who you like. Honestly, 111 is almost a liability. 112 is great but 111 just gets you nerfed against lower OVR. Better off having a strong 110 that you like
I think I’ll just do that. I’ll get Harden/Westbrook in two days, so I’ll comfortably hit 111 then, even if I sell Westbrook. If MM Westbrook becomes auctionable, I’ll sell him to and I’ll go hunt for LeBron. And maybe Embiid


All-Star 3
How can you tell which AH you’re in?
Comparing cards visible in the ah with people who know which ah they are in..

For eg .. in my ah there is only one 109 giannis rt now..his buy price is 5,192,000.. so if the same card it's there in ur ah ur in ah1


All-Star 1
How can you tell which AH you’re in?
You have to check against someone who knows what AH they're in bc there's no other way to check any more. People have been on the same AH since they first started. So those old players who know can help you figure out which one you're on. But it doesn't really matter anyways bc you can't hop between them


Rookie 3
Comparing cards visible in the ah with people who know which ah they are in..

For eg .. in my ah there is only one 109 giannis rt now..his buy price is 5,192,000.. so if the same card it's there in ur ah ur in ah1
I can’t find any 109 Giannis, so I’m not in the same as you are..


Rookie 3
Oh man, just saw LeBron sell on AH1. Hopefully it was you that got him
Nope, didn’t see him. And I can’t buy him now anyway, since I don’t have enough coins for the next 53 minutes. After that, I’ll be at about 6.4M, which is all reserved for him (unless 110 Shaq shows up).

I have seen Magic live about six times today, though, so I’m holding out hope that LeBron starts showing up more frequently too.

He’s been live for over fifteen minutes now. Don’t think I’ve ever seen that
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