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Lunar New Year Promo (merged)


All-Star 1
Does anyone know the actual number of caishen tokens grindable per day..
If u use all ur stamina, plus bonus packs plus cash packs i think u should get abt 75-80 per day...
But this is literally all ur stamina..

Since I had about 30 left over from week one, I was shooting for approx. 60 per day to have enough for one more Master and still be able to play lvl, complete daily objectives plus first wins of Elevate and Impact. I?m ahead of this after two days by approx. 80 but that?s mainly because of the first win bonuses, stamina events and the 10 for achieving the stamina part of the second dragon scale. Clearly won?t be able to get all 3 Masters without buying packs or stamina (which I won?t) since I can afford to buy Yao if I really want him and because I have no use for 96 Harden.
U finished cousins in week one?
I do first wins of game of the week, impact and xp daily, daily objectives and lvl. But i grind the promo only alternate days. Rest of my stamina goes to elevate. Still think i should finish one master. Was hoping one envelope master but thats seems impossible
Yeah, but not fast enough. The day before I got him he was selling for 3.4M. Mine sold for 1.9M. :(


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Someone posted the 85 version of Marbury. His stats looks decent.
Not sure if it can be posted here so I won't post for now.

Yeah it's in the PG or SF thread they deleted it for some reason shortly after paying it but I restored the post since there was no reason given as to why that was done


Rookie 1
do we have any info about next week's dragon scale objectives? I can only play one day next week and it would suck if I have Harden without an ability.hopefully EA makes the objectives easy or make the scales auctionable.


Rookie 1
sorry, the question may be asked before. but I can not find the answer.
how many caishen?s favor tokens are needed to upgrade LNY master to 96 OVR?


Rookie 1
I didn?t know where to ask this question and i didn?t want to start a new thread. Do you guys know if it?s still possible to pull an 96 elite from the envelopes? I mean the silver ones because these are the only ones i get lol.


All-Star 1
I didn?t know where to ask this question and i didn?t want to start a new thread. Do you guys know if it?s still possible to pull an 96 elite from the envelopes? I mean the silver ones because these are the only ones i get lol.

Highest you can pull from Silver now is an 86 Elite. They nerfed it on Monday. You can still pull a 96 from the Gold and Elite Red Envelopes as far as I know
I didn?t know where to ask this question and i didn?t want to start a new thread. Do you guys know if it?s still possible to pull an 96 elite from the envelopes? I mean the silver ones because these are the only ones i get lol.
No you can't pull anything higher than an 86 from a silver envelope, they changed it last week.


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