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Lunar New Year Promo (merged)

I come to convey my disagreement for the exchange of gold mask against caishen token. how to distinguish liars who were on cousins ??and now not seen harden and want it? how to distinguish those who had really made gold masks and who finished cousins? it's totally unfair compared to others. I hope it will not happen. if not then I want to change my cousins ??for caishen tokens too! it's the door open to all requests. the players who made the masks only had to follow the news like everyone else. we all knew that we had to keep the caishen token .
we disagree it's not fairplay. we want and ask that you do not change the gold mask for caishen. thanking you
I also remind you that the first week all players have taken advantage of the bug on the ad?s so all of them have use bug. then you can not once again say yes to their request. Oddly everyone knew for harden. and after they want us to believe they did not know about gold masks. hahahahha the joke. i really hope that ea will not do anything and will leave this event as it currently is

Have nice day all and have fun
I also remind you that the first week all players have taken advantage of the bug on the ad?s so all of them have use bug. then you can not once again say yes to their request. Oddly everyone knew for harden. and after they want us to believe they did not know about gold masks. hahahahha the joke. i really hope that ea will not do anything and will leave this event as it currently is

Have nice day all and have fun

Speak for yourself mate. Not everybody do what you think.

And obvs, they will not let anyone revert their cousins (the player card) for tokens.
why not, it's the door open to all requests. we had to follow the news. if you are here you knew that the token mask gold was only for cousins. It was said early in the event, 2 days after Brian announced that you had to keep the caishen if you did not want cousins. stop a little bit of bad faith lol


All-Star 1
Anyone on this forum (or any of the other nbalm communities) complaining about cashing in their Caishen tokens is full of it. The issue for them is the ads dried up mid-week and they had already banked the other 2 Masters so why not go for Cousins. Once the ads dried up, it became apparent that only 1 Master (maybe 2 for some that really grinded the first couple of days) was possible and they're bitter about using their tokens on masks for Cousins.

Having said that, anyone not a part of these communities might have a legitimate beef because of how this promo is structured. I personally don't feel the "...and future masters" in the description of the Golden Mask blitz event was sufficient (mainly because that event at the time was exclusive to Cousins as the first master) but others may disagree.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Anyone on this forum (or any of the other nbalm communities) complaining about cashing in their Caishen tokens is full of it. The issue for them is the ads dried up mid-week and they had already banked the other 2 Masters so why not go for Cousins. Once the ads dried up, it became apparent that only 1 Master (maybe 2 for some that really grinded the first couple of days) was possible and they're bitter about using their tokens on masks for Cousins.

Having said that, anyone not a part of these communities might have a legitimate beef because of how this promo is structured. I personally don't feel the "...and future masters" in the description of the Golden Mask blitz event was sufficient (mainly because that event at the time was exclusive to Cousins as the first master) but others may disagree.

I really agree with this the only frustration from those with access to info that masks were only for Cousins are those that spammed or wanted to spam ads so they expected to build 2 if not 3 masters to 95-96 I was expecting that as well so I'm disappointed but I'm still happy that I have the opportunity to get an ability card that I get to choose from without needing to spend a single coin which is still good in my eyes but not as good as I thought would happen but hey how much can we really ask for from EA they're a pain in the ass most times


Rookie 1
Anyone on this forum (or any of the other nbalm communities) complaining about cashing in their Caishen tokens is full of it. The issue for them is the ads dried up mid-week and they had already banked the other 2 Masters so why not go for Cousins. Once the ads dried up, it became apparent that only 1 Master (maybe 2 for some that really grinded the first couple of days) was possible and they're bitter about using their tokens on masks for Cousins.

Having said that, anyone not a part of these communities might have a legitimate beef because of how this promo is structured. I personally don't feel the "...and future masters" in the description of the Golden Mask blitz event was sufficient (mainly because that event at the time was exclusive to Cousins as the first master) but others may disagree.

I really agree with this the only frustration from those with access to info that masks were only for Cousins are those that spammed or wanted to spam ads so they expected to build 2 if not 3 masters to 95-96 I was expecting that as well so I'm disappointed but I'm still happy that I have the opportunity to get an ability card that I get to choose from without needing to spend a single coin which is still good in my eyes but not as good as I thought would happen but hey how much can we really ask for from EA they're a pain in the ass most times

We should be happy that we even have an opportunity to get a master with ability without spending any coins. Last season that wasn't the case at all and knowing how money hungry EA can be its quite surprising,


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Anyone on this forum (or any of the other nbalm communities) complaining about cashing in their Caishen tokens is full of it. The issue for them is the ads dried up mid-week and they had already banked the other 2 Masters so why not go for Cousins. Once the ads dried up, it became apparent that only 1 Master (maybe 2 for some that really grinded the first couple of days) was possible and they're bitter about using their tokens on masks for Cousins.

Having said that, anyone not a part of these communities might have a legitimate beef because of how this promo is structured. I personally don't feel the "...and future masters" in the description of the Golden Mask blitz event was sufficient (mainly because that event at the time was exclusive to Cousins as the first master) but others may disagree.

I really agree with this the only frustration from those with access to info that masks were only for Cousins are those that spammed or wanted to spam ads so they expected to build 2 if not 3 masters to 95-96 I was expecting that as well so I'm disappointed but I'm still happy that I have the opportunity to get an ability card that I get to choose from without needing to spend a single coin which is still good in my eyes but not as good as I thought would happen but hey how much can we really ask for from EA they're a pain in the ass most times

We should be happy that we even have an opportunity to get a master with ability without spending any coins. Last season that wasn't the case at all and knowing how money hungry EA can be its quite surprising,

Exactly I'm happy to even have that opportunity I would have loved to get all 3 to 96 but 1 96 ability card with the chance for other useful stuff is nothing for us to scoff at we all know the ads we're going to become an issue for EA and would eventually fix them
I understand what you mean. I too am satisfied with this event and get harden without pay in cash shop . just patience and smart, now I remain on my position and I do not agree with the fact that we can exchange the mask of gold or fireworks against caishen. the game is the game and when you lose you have to know how to accept it. as i said now that they saw harden everyone wants to stop cousins ??for harden. so it's too easy like that. I thank you for your answers.
Next >
I wish you all to get what you want, I'm collecting caishen for the last master, I have not made cousins ??yet. I'm waiting to see the last master. good luck to everyone


Rookie 3
I was also working for 3 masters and disappointed when the ads stopped since i also exchanged my cashiens already to cousins but have to move on and now working on either harden or marbury. I may not be able to complete all 3 + yao, looking back in season 2 I probably stuck midway for a single master with so many duplicates for a set that require like 3 or more specific tokens/elites which you have to get by chance.


Rookie 1
This may run counter to what others think but I'm actually quite happy to not have any ads.

As someone with a slightly addictive personality I tend to go all-in on whatever I'm doing and the infinite ads just meant I was spending WAY too much time on this game.
Having limited stamina to spend during the day is great for me and if it means I can't complete promos fully as a F2P player I'm quite happy with that - there should be an incentive for people to spend money to get further and it's my choice to not do that.

Plus I get to spend more time away from my phone and not feel like I'm missing out.
I understand your anger. I stopped when I learned for token caishen. I was 27/35 for the 95. I could do harden and I think I could do marbury but impossible to finish cousins ??without ad's. it is also a shame that we can do it once for all. force to you


All-Star 3
Does anyone know the actual number of caishen tokens grindable per day..
If u use all ur stamina, plus bonus packs plus cash packs i think u should get abt 75-80 per day...
But this is literally all ur stamina..


All-Star 1
Does anyone know the actual number of caishen tokens grindable per day..
If u use all ur stamina, plus bonus packs plus cash packs i think u should get abt 75-80 per day...
But this is literally all ur stamina..

Since I had about 30 left over from week one, I was shooting for approx. 60 per day to have enough for one more Master and still be able to play lvl, complete daily objectives plus first wins of Elevate and Impact. I?m ahead of this after two days by approx. 80 but that?s mainly because of the first win bonuses, stamina events and the 10 for achieving the stamina part of the second dragon scale. Clearly won?t be able to get all 3 Masters without buying packs or stamina (which I won?t) since I can afford to buy Yao if I really want him and because I have no use for 96 Harden.


Rookie 1
bro, i only use 50 stamina for GOTN and 20 for league tour, 60 for 3 times SD for daily obj, then i use all left for caishen favor but i loss one time 50 event(smh). i don't buy cash packs, but i will set timer for every 4 hrs bonus pack except when i am sleep, so i think basically you are right unless u do other events


All-Star 3
Does anyone know the actual number of caishen tokens grindable per day..
If u use all ur stamina, plus bonus packs plus cash packs i think u should get abt 75-80 per day...
But this is literally all ur stamina..

Since I had about 30 left over from week one, I was shooting for approx. 60 per day to have enough for one more Master and still be able to play lvl, complete daily objectives plus first wins of Elevate and Impact. I?m ahead of this after two days by approx. 80 but that?s mainly because of the first win bonuses, stamina events and the 10 for achieving the stamina part of the second dragon scale. Clearly won?t be able to get all 3 Masters without buying packs or stamina (which I won?t) since I can afford to buy Yao if I really want him and because I have no use for 96 Harden.
U finished cousins in week one?
I do first wins of game of the week, impact and xp daily, daily objectives and lvl. But i grind the promo only alternate days. Rest of my stamina goes to elevate. Still think i should finish one master. Was hoping one envelope master but thats seems impossible


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