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Showdown season3 discussions - end of the seventh season and the start of the eight season

Time to turn feedback off again. Turned it on just to see some of the %'s with the boosts but it's really just turned into repeated 74-75% missed shots.....and repeated "lucky/unlikely makes" from the AI......which doesn't help me to see from a frustration perspective. Was nice to see the 100% dunk, though, at least.

Yup. Actually felt was missing more with spreewell.. switched back to klay who seems to be lighting it up for me today

That's good news. I was definitely thinking of going back to him as well but wasn't sure how it'd work with him being usually matched with 94 Sprewell with all the higher defensive stats.

It does seem like "benching" a player for a period of time can have a "recharge" effect. I switched to T-Mac last night and benched Klay and had pretty good results, even as an 82 player. I'm still a newb, but it seems like even a player that's an 80-82 will still perform well if the team OVR is still pretty high. Every now and then I face mid 70s gold players on 84 ranked teams and it's like they still perform pretty well. I notice a similar trend with base elites, as well.


All-Star 3
Time to turn feedback off again. Turned it on just to see some of the %'s with the boosts but it's really just turned into repeated 74-75% missed shots.....and repeated "lucky/unlikely makes" from the AI......which doesn't help me to see from a frustration perspective. Was nice to see the 100% dunk, though, at least.

Yup. Actually felt was missing more with spreewell.. switched back to klay who seems to be lighting it up for me today

That's good news. I was definitely thinking of going back to him as well but wasn't sure how it'd work with him being usually matched with 94 Sprewell with all the higher defensive stats.

It does seem like "benching" a player for a period of time can have a "recharge" effect. I switched to T-Mac last night and benched Klay and had pretty good results, even as an 82 player. I'm still a newb, but it seems like even a player that's an 80-82 will still perform well if the team OVR is still pretty high. Every now and then I face mid 70s gold players on 84 ranked teams and it's like they still perform pretty well. I notice a similar trend with base elites, as well.

Ya have noticed the benching effect too.. efficient with Klay.. the sg I've had the most success with this week is 83 rip though.. amazing defence and solid offense.. not lights out but just solid
Yeah I saw that on mine, weird

This was a mistake on their end. The new Impact players are going to be temporarily boosted and they are working at ways to indicate cards which have temporary boosts. It was meant to be for internal use only. Brian said they'll fix it during the next deploy.
I beat Scary Terry.


It was surreal seeing a red shield over my Westbrook but I did get a couple of steals from Terry. The same guy obliterated me the second time we played.
Can anybody take a guess at how many fans you'll need to stay in the top 1000 this week? Showdown finishes at 8 pm on a Monday in Japan and I have work all day. Interest in SD seems higher this week and I'm afraid of falling out of the top 1000.


All-Star 1
Wondering the same. Last week I finished ~ 600 with 1,560,000 fans. I feel like I'll need at last 1.7 mil this week


Rookie 1
Can anybody take a guess at how many fans you'll need to stay in the top 1000 this week? Showdown finishes at 8 pm on a Monday in Japan and I have work all day. Interest in SD seems higher this week and I'm afraid of falling out of the top 1000.

I think 2m+ fans I secured
I beat Scary Terry.


It was surreal seeing a red shield over my Westbrook but I did get a couple of steals from Terry. The same guy obliterated me the second time we played.

I'd been lucky to only face him maybe twice since the release and boost. Just faced him a 3rd time (and soon to be 4th, back to back, once I submit this post) and the first two times I never realized his player name is literally "Scary Terry" lmfao. Surprised they didn't use his last name like all other players, but I guess they do that with store pack players? I wonder if Hoodie Melo is the same way (a total, absolute ghost card)
According to Brian, the top 1000 get Kyrie.

No way to know for sure, obviously, but if I had to guess I'd say at least 1.6, maybe 1.8. A lot of people like to kick it into high gear the last 2-3 days, it seems.

Edit, Meant to reply to the post about how much to say in the top 1000. The first 2 days it was looking like just reaching Legend wouldn't even be near enough but it appears people slowed down from their Monday, Tuesday progress


All-Star 1
I beat Scary Terry.


It was surreal seeing a red shield over my Westbrook but I did get a couple of steals from Terry. The same guy obliterated me the second time we played.

And people wonder why I?d rather face an OVR that?s 2 more instead of 2 less than mine. +8 is by all rights a terrible quarter that hardly ever wins but against a 91 with Scary Terry...easy peasy:



Pro 1
I'd estimate 1.75M for top1000

I'll probably have a hard time getting there as well. I'm around 900th and I don't think I'll be able to increase the pace

my win % is being mediocre this week and some connection issues aren't helping. the current 1-1-5 in ties shows that close games aren't going my way this time.

I'm not really enjoying these halloween-boosted days xD It's everyone with the same 4 boosted players and a point guard position that isn't diverse either.

btw, the first quarter I played in the boosted era I matched immediately with someone with Rozier. I lost, but I also found it easy to get a pair of steals.

don't you guys feel that some quarters are being run at excessive speed? It seems a random setting/problem of some specific quarters and not necessarily a matter of the boosted speed stats

For example, I've experienced these 42 total points in 150 seconds which is crazy in days without abilities and while it went my way, I'd rather have my players at their normal speed and not everyone being Usain Bolt. And there were missed shots in there.

I'd estimate 1.75M for top1000

I'll probably have a hard time getting there as well. I'm around 900th and I don't think I'll be able to increase the pace

my win % is being mediocre this week and some connection issues aren't helping. the current 1-1-5 in ties shows that close games aren't going my way this time.

I'm not really enjoying these halloween-boosted days xD It's everyone with the same 4 boosted players and a point guard position that isn't diverse either.

btw, the first quarter I played in the boosted era I matched immediately with someone with Rozier. I lost, but I also found it easy to get a pair of steals.

don't you guys feel that some quarters are being run at excessive speed? It seems a random setting/problem of some specific quarters and not necessarily a matter of the boosted speed stats

For example, I've experienced these 42 total points in 150 seconds which is crazy in days without abilities and while it went my way, I'd rather have my players at their normal speed and not everyone being Usain Bolt. And there were missed shots in there.


I have definitely seen what felt like random speed boosted quarters on both ends!! Even before the Halloween boost! I thought I was actually finally going crazy! I agree, it's kind of problematic but I guess it's apart of the random difficulty EA throws our way. It's just kind of silly to have one random quarter out of 100 that has the players on both sides going 120 agility/speed.

Also, these Halloween players have the boosted speed/agility and I honestly don't really notice it most times, especially for my team. Every now and then the opp AI will get a fire under and realize their speed is boosted. Like, my very first boosted game, it didn't seem like the boosted players were really that much faster for them to be boosted so high compared to normal. Obviously their usually going against their boosted counterparts but even the non boosted players don't seem much slower lol.

Also, you and I both know that you like to start the week off slowly and come in at the last 2-3 days and make a killing and finish top 500 :D :D :D


Rookie 3
Currently with 1.2M fans and on top 400. Everyday i am trying to hit a 300k fans quota to make sure i make it on monday but since i am at superstar 3 i am not expecting to have the same rate of progress especially when i enter legend. Now i am losing more than winning but hope to get back maybe on last 2 days when more players with lower ovr than mine reach the same tier as mine.
I work full-time so I play SD early in the morning and late at night. I try to break it down into manageable goals -- get to 250k, win 10 quarters. To me, it's a test of endurance.


Pro 1
How many hours are you guys averaging to reach 1.5-1.7m fans?

141 quarters to superstar 3 this week for me (including 2 expired/forfeit), so it's a little under 2h/day.
Also, you and I both know that you like to start the week off slowly and come in at the last 2-3 days and make a killing and finish top 500

it's not going to be that simple tho. schedule is not helping :lol: and there are a bunch of other factors.

last week it all fit well. the available free time, the timing of the level-ups, even the weekend ads came at a convenient moment.

with 85 ovr last weekend I had an above average ovr for tiers like superstar-3. now i have an 89.3 or sth which puts me at the same level as most ppl at 89. And only chances of ovr rise are heavy investments I'm not willing to make - boosted PG + D.Rose.

Selling the 85 Don. Mitchell prize was also a bad idea. specially with the possibility of no 85 players in this week's prizes and the news of line-ups. I'm not going with any fan boosting player so there are others with that advantage.

Besides the issues with overly fast quarters that aren't helping my gameplay, I don't like to go for 3s-only, but score a lot with lay-ups in transition whenever possible, yet this week that's a bad idea because boosted AD is turning my 100% easy lay-ups into 71% miss or even 42% if Wallace is around. The amount of 91%+ lay-ups missed is also higher. So I'm having the need to adapt my gameplay and end playing worse overall in this scenario.


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