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Showdown season3 discussions - end of the seventh season and the start of the eight season


Pro 1
Talk about memorable quarters, new season ending pulls, your doubts, issues, goals, desires or concerns related to showdow

Some other questions from me -

* Don't you think that all top1000 having the same prize negatively affects the interest in SD once you reach legend?
* Do you prefer the single-week season or the two-week-season?
* For anyone that reached legend pretty late, can you give an accurate estimate of the amount of people that reached legend this season?
* And if legend continues to be a requirement for prizes, how many people inside top10000 but missing legend tier will we see wondering today about the lack of a prize they think they'd get? :p


All-Star 1
I already chronicled my last hour of SD here. I like this new format better as I found the "grind" more relaxing than having to make sure you were Top 500 or Top 250 (never even bothered with Top 100). Top 1000 felt like a waste of time in s2 so I like that they're giving a "similar" reward for the Top 1000.

I pulled 85 SG D Mitchell. Guessing he's not the best pull but probably not the worst. Biggest issue is the glutton of SG's in this game.

EDIT: Mitchell just sold within 30 mins at 350k BIN. Damn...

Threads are already starting about not getting the reward because of missing Legend. I'd get it if you'd never used a social media platform but guys here really have no excuse. There has been rampant speculation all week and the clear consensus was you still need to reach Legend for the Top XXXX prizes.


Rookie 1
-I reached legend tier about 30 hours before season ending, after winning 2 quarters for daily objective I was at 166 didn't play any quarter till the end and finished 988 with 1.56M
- I liked that showdown is strongly related to grinding the ongoing promo but 7 days is not enough imo, I manged to do it as I had a alot of spare time this week.
- biggest margin +20 (24-4), lost about 7 matches by tiebreaker and won 4, lost a quarter with +16 , had a crazy 25-18 quarter
- pulled cj mccollum from legend tier pack and 85 C Jokic, I wanted that curry really bad tho.
-I'm curious how many people got that master curry and then maybe decide whether to grind for kyrie or no


Pro 1
I finished in the leader-board at 114th, pulled 85 Mitchell, faced some of the top players for the first time this season and it went fairly well.

The most interesting quarter was probably an 18-2 composed of 9 twos.

If the prize for top1000 gets updated to 87 that's great and appealing
If it's 85 with a chance of 87, there's room for disappointment in 7 days.

I also finished the 1000 blocks this season and need 177 quarters to reach the 1000 qt mark.

Regarding SD duration I'd rather have a intermediate solution, like 10 days, but I see it's better for them to just opt between 7 and 14.


All-Star 1
I also finished the 1000 blocks this season and need 177 quarters to reach the 1000 qt mark.
Interesting as I finished the 1000 SD quarter wins this season but still need 80 blocks. I'd say 1 out of 3 blocks I make actually registers as a block...


Pro 1
I also finished the 1000 blocks this season and need 177 quarters to reach the 1000 qt mark.
Interesting as I finished the 1000 SD quarter wins this season but still need 80 blocks. I'd say 1 out of 3 blocks I make actually registers as a block...

in Harden's progress I remember I was often slightly trailing in steals and ahead in blocks compared to others, so I guess it's a matter of play style

those where you block players 2 or 3 times as the ball ends always in opponent's hands until they inevitably score are clearly counting for me :p


Rookie 1
Showdown is a waste of time and stamina for everyone except the most hardcore grinders. The reward tiers below top 1000 requiring legend is a joke. Why even bother with a 5k and 10k reward EA if you?re gonna require legend too?

Brian would not give me or others a straight answer on Twitter about the lower tier rewards last week. And now we see the whole thing is a sham. If there is no reward for more casual players to do SD, then it's not worth our effort and the whole game suffers. Do the right thing EA.
I made it to superstar 3, the most sd I've played in a single week between both seasons I reckon (I finished in top 500 a couple times last season).

I ended up about 2100 rank, wasn't expecting one of the special prizes as I knew it would require legend tier, but I got 3 golds in the pack and best one was 76. Very disappointing for that much effort.

If legend tier in one week is going to be the requirement,I'd like to see the fan count brought down a bit, say 1m fans for legend then adjust each of the others from there. Start the count from zero again if you must, but 1.5m fans is a crazy amount to achieve in a week for most people.


Pro 1
Brian would not give me or others a straight answer on Twitter about the lower tier rewards last week.

he answered to someone wondering about that tho and it's been this way since the start of showdown in s2, so the surprise would be if it changed.

We've seen folks wondering about this requirement over and over in these showdown-discussion-posts whenever 1000th (s2) or 500th didn't finish in legend.

I think the reward requiring legend is fine. It's gonna ask you for roughly 1h30 a day, which may be too much for some people, but it's normal that SD is grinders-focused.

The problem in my view is in the fact that it's not totally clear from the beginning of showdown in s2 that legend is a requirement.
They surely got enough complaints about this in s2, Yet put themselves in a position to ask for even more complaints.

If they used the same word for rewards and legend tier

Option 1 'NBA Champion' tier / 'Champion Rewards' or Option 2 'Legend Rewards' / 'Nba Legend' Tier, folks would understand it earlier.


All-Star 1
Brian would not give me or others a straight answer on Twitter about the lower tier rewards last week.

he answered to someone wondering about that tho and it's been this way since the start of showdown in s2, so the surprise would be if it changed.

We've seen folks wondering about this requirement over and over in these showdown-discussion-posts whenever 1000th (s2) or 500th didn't finish in legend.

I think the reward requiring legend is fine. It's gonna ask you for roughly 1h30 a day, which may be too much for some people, but it's normal that SD is grinders-focused.

The problem in my view is in the fact that it's not totally clear from the beginning of showdown in s2 that legend is a requirement.
They surely got enough complaints about this in s2, Yet put themselves in a position to ask for even more complaints.

If they used the same word for rewards and legend tier

Option 1 'NBA Champion' tier / 'Champion Rewards' or Option 2 'Legend Rewards' / 'Nba Legend' Tier, folks would understand it earlier.

I disagree. I don't think I suck at this game at all and I spent waaay more than an hour & a half each day on SD. I finished around 600th. It was worth it this week to get Curry but I'm done for a while. So much stupid shit goes down in SD that you can't count on winning a particular amount. I'm sure my leagemates were sick of my bitching about playing lowers. EVERY single time I played an 82 or 83 this week I got blasted (I'm an 84) Every game would start with me bricking open shots, even though I was supposed to have an "advantage". I'd play my butt off and win 17-3 and the opponent would go 18-2 against me. Crap like that adds to the time it takes to get wins.

If they would give us a 100% + boost it would cut down the time involved, open SD up to a lot more ppl, and would be more fun bc those looking to get to the top could battle it out. As it stands I just needed tohit 1.56 mil for top reward. If I had double the boost, I would've gotten to Legend sooner & would've had the choice to stop there & get whatever Legend tier I wound up with or battle for rank. That would've been more fun & less stressful.


Rookie 1
Look at that Twitter link again. Brian only addresses top 1000 directly. Two others (I was one of them) asked about the lower tier rewards. No reply. It would have been easy to be transparent right then but he wasn?t. I?ve been playing since the beginning. It?s this kind of thing that might make me stop.


Pro 1
I disagree. I don't think I suck at this game at all and I spent waaay more than an hour & a half each day on SD.

I'm sure my leagemates were sick of my bitching about playing lowers. EVERY single time I played an 82 or 83 this week I got blasted (I'm an 84) Every game would start with me bricking open shots, even though I was supposed to have an "advantage". I'd play my butt off and win 17-3 and the opponent would go 18-2 against me. Crap like that adds to the time it takes to get wins.

The time it takes depends a lot of your ovr and consequent win percentage of course.

I've checked my win percentage at the end of Saturday shortly after I crossed legend and when I had 1.54M I had 182 quarters played and 73% wins. Went til Superstar 2 with 84ovr. And Superstar 3 and Legend with 85ovr.

180 quarters at an adjusted duration of 3m20s is 10h ( 85 minutes each day).

I did lose the games against 82 in the top tiers as well which was weird, and you do wonder if the advantages are messed up or there's some bug around them, but against 83s I had no troubles to report.


Pro 1
Look at that Twitter link again. Brian only addresses top 1000 directly. Two others (I was one of them) asked about the lower tier rewards. No reply. It would have been easy to be transparent right then but he wasn?t. I?ve been playing since the beginning. It?s this kind of thing that might make me stop.

I see and he should have answered you, but why would the logic of top1000 not apply to the others?


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