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Showdown season3 discussions - end of the seventh season and the start of the eight season


All-Star 1
I disagree. I don't think I suck at this game at all and I spent waaay more than an hour & a half each day on SD.

I'm sure my leagemates were sick of my bitching about playing lowers. EVERY single time I played an 82 or 83 this week I got blasted (I'm an 84) Every game would start with me bricking open shots, even though I was supposed to have an "advantage". I'd play my butt off and win 17-3 and the opponent would go 18-2 against me. Crap like that adds to the time it takes to get wins.

The time it takes depends a lot of your ovr and consequent win percentage of course.

I've checked my win percentage at the end of Saturday shortly after I crossed legend and when I had 1.54M I had 182 quarters played and 73% wins. Went til Superstar 2 with 84ovr. And Superstar 3 and Legend with 85ovr.

180 quarters at an adjusted duration of 3m20s is 10h ( 85 minutes each day).

I did lose the games against 82 in the top tiers as well which was weird, and you do wonder if the advantages are messed up or there's some bug around them, but against 83s I had no troubles to report.

I was 83 til about halfway & bumped to 84. I had tons & tons of 1-3 point losses. Maybe just bad luck this time around idk. It was a lot of time spent & a lot of frustration. I still think they should adjust SD. If they can't make it shorter in length, lower the Legend tier or give us the ability to get more fan boosts. I just think it's backwards to change things & tell us that top 10k get elite rewards when they full well know that maybe 1/10 of that will make the Legent requirement and the different tiers will never be filled up. There used to be a lot of ppl playing H2H. Last season, a lot of ppl played SD bc in 2 weeks, you could make Legend & the grinders battled for the top rewards. Somewhere I saw that last week only a couple hundred ppl or less made legend. That's pathetic. Obviously the Curry & overall reward boost got more ppl into it but not many more than a thousand or so made it to Legend this week. It's obvious that the majoritybof the player base doesn't care or can't do it so they only play for Daily objectives


Rookie 1
Ed, the same logic doesn?t apply because there clearly weren?t going to be 10k legend players. There?s no purpose in creating the lower tier elite rewards if they also require legend. They might as well not exist. EA rolls out new and better rewards to get more people to play SD except not really because most of the rewards are really a sham. Bait and switch by EA. Terrible move.


Pro 1
I was 83 til about halfway & bumped to 84. I had tons & tons of 1-3 point losses. Maybe just bad luck this time around idk. It was a lot of time spent & a lot of frustration. I still think they should adjust SD. If they can't make it shorter in length, lower the Legend tier or give us the ability to get more fan boosts. I just think it's backwards to change things & tell us that top 10k get elite rewards when they full well know that maybe 1/10 of that will make the Legent requirement and the different tiers will never be filled up. There used to be a lot of ppl playing H2H. Last season, a lot of ppl played SD bc in 2 weeks, you could make Legend & the grinders battled for the top rewards. Somewhere I saw that last week only a couple hundred ppl or less made legend. That's pathetic. Obviously the Curry & overall reward boost got more ppl into it but not many more than a thousand or so made it to Legend this week. It's obvious that the majoritybof the player base doesn't care or can't do it so they only play for Daily objectives

not even a couple hundred, it was 99 or 100 people that finished in legend the other week xD
Ed, the same logic doesn?t apply because there clearly weren?t going to be 10k legend players. There?s no purpose in creating the lower tier elite rewards if they also require legend. They might as well not exist. EA rolls out new and better rewards to get more people to play SD except not really because most of the rewards are really a sham. Bait and switch by EA. Terrible move.

And yeah I'm agreeing that this very wide prize range isn't adequate to current size of the player base actually grinding to legend in a single week with the current amount of bonus.
I don't see the harm with removing the legend mark as a requirement. Sure, reaching legend does give you one extra elite, and they can still reward that extra elite to the people that reach legend. Why not reward someone that grinded to get to 1.483M fans (I've been there before, it sucked) when just 17K more fans gets not only an elite player but ALSO rewarded for their time? But since you fell 17K short you get a couple of poo poo golds. It's not like you fell short of your rank, you fell short of a requirement that isn't even listed in the game!

All of this said, I agree, they need to at least just save themselves the trouble and make it clear that legend is required since their current unwritten system is obviously in place because they don't want to have a week where 1st place wins with 300K fans (just an example) but apparently they like being cursed out by their customers. It is what it is, lol.

It just seems in poor form to give rewards to the top 500 (example) and not reward the 499 and 500 because they fell 5K short of a fan amount. Good for the other 498 people, they get to actually make their team better with an extra player or two or from the coins from selling the player while the 2 that fell short get 2 chunks of coach and get to keep the same team that fell short lol.

Also, yes, if you win 70% of your matches you will definitely require fewer matches for legend. 70% winning is far, far from the norm, though.
Can you SD vets explain the rewards for me, I haven't been paying attention. If I reach the top 1000 am I guaranteed Kyrie or just a chance at him?


All-Star 1
Can you SD vets explain the rewards for me, I haven't been paying attention. If I reach the top 1000 am I guaranteed Kyrie or just a chance at him?
Nobody knows for sure but my guess is that it?s a chance only. Even more interesting is if there will be other 87?s?!
Can you SD vets explain the rewards for me, I haven't been paying attention. If I reach the top 1000 am I guaranteed Kyrie or just a chance at him?

I finished 207 and got Jokic, so it's all chance. Edll finished top 100 I believe and got Mitchell. You could finish 999 and get Curry or Kyrie whomever.


Pro 1
Can you SD vets explain the rewards for me, I haven't been paying attention. If I reach the top 1000 am I guaranteed Kyrie or just a chance at him?

I expect a big chance of the prizes being 85 Cards - Curry/Mitchell/George/Kuzma with a small chance of 87 Irving

Best possibility is 87 Irving and four other new 87 cards being the prizes. But I doubt we'll see the 85s vanishing from the prize-possibilities.

Guaranteed Irving seems unlikely to me.


Pro 1
Edll finished top 100 I believe and got Mitchell.

I was as high as 63rd about 12h before the end, but finished 114th :)

no real incentive to try to maintain the top100 - that's why I was asking 'Don't you think that all top1000 having the same prize negatively affects the interest in SD once you reach legend?' in the post-opener.


Rookie 1
Can you SD vets explain the rewards for me, I haven't been paying attention. If I reach the top 1000 am I guaranteed Kyrie or just a chance at him?

I expect a big chance of the prizes being 85 Cards - Curry/Mitchell/George/Kuzma with a small chance of 87 Irving

Best possibility is 87 Irving and four other new 87 cards being the prizes. But I doubt we'll see the 85s vanishing from the prize-possibilities.

Guaranteed Irving seems unlikely to me.

I think EA will have to bite the bullet this showdown and atleast make all top tier prizes 87 Kyre or a 87 only top tier reward maybe holloween special.

The unpleasantries they will cause if they added Kyre 87 only and other prizes of FF 85s. How crazy would it be to finish 1st overall just to get another 85 Mitchell when that guy at rank 1000 who just snuck in there by 10 points gets that 87 Kyre Boooo


Pro 1

Crazy.. who was bricking

No one really xD

I was just avoiding an expired quarter. my connection screwed me when I was having a succession of two active matches .

in races against the clock, I'm just throwing deep threes and trying to get the rebound so there's no time lost out-of-bounds

In the last play of the first of the two matches the game decides to score inside and I somehow foul the shooter. of course those damn free throws led to an expired quarter. i had 3 minutes to play the game pictured above so I just shot deep 3s and only properly attempted the final 3 at the buzzer.

It is the second time I have a 3-0 in this conditions. the other time opponent lost 9-4. this time i got the worst tying percentage I've ever seen xD

In regular play I don't think I've scored only 3 before this season.


Pro 1
I think EA will have to bite the bullet this showdown and atleast make all top tier prizes 87 Kyre or a 87 only top tier reward maybe holloween special.

The unpleasantries they will cause if they added Kyre 87 only and other prizes of FF 85s. How crazy would it be to finish 1st overall just to get another 85 Mitchell when that guy at rank 1000 who just snuck in there by 10 points gets that 87 Kyre Boooo

Do you think there will be no 85s rewarded then?

And yeah that's the problem of the whole top 1000 having the same prize. at least the champion had a unique coach last season xD
Time to turn feedback off again. Turned it on just to see some of the %'s with the boosts but it's really just turned into repeated 74-75% missed shots.....and repeated "lucky/unlikely makes" from the AI......which doesn't help me to see from a frustration perspective. Was nice to see the 100% dunk, though, at least.


All-Star 3
Time to turn feedback off again. Turned it on just to see some of the %'s with the boosts but it's really just turned into repeated 74-75% missed shots.....and repeated "lucky/unlikely makes" from the AI......which doesn't help me to see from a frustration perspective. Was nice to see the 100% dunk, though, at least.

Yup. Actually felt was missing more with spreewell.. switched back to klay who seems to be lighting it up for me today


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