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Showdown season3 discussions - end of the seventh season and the start of the eight season


Rookie 1
I was 670 like 2 hours ago, and I was thinking it?s safe, just 10 minutes ago logged in to check on the ranking and I was 990 :-|
Played one last game and fortunately won and jumped to 860 .... so close to lose one week grinding!

Nice catch! I?ve lost 16 places wsince the 10 min lock so good thing you played!

Yes, moved to 890 ... I was lucky that I won the one last match :D


All-Star 1
That was the worst night ever. I couldn't buy a win for a couple hours. Finally hit a win streak & got past 2 mil. Think somewhere right around 2 was the cutoff for top 1000. Ended up at 720 with 2.038 mil.
Rofl, new bonus requires 1 Elite legend in your lineup....RIP to SD for me ahahhahahaa

Omfg...just about to post the same!

I guess Brian did say they?re going to lower requirements. Guess that means instead of a 2.5 month grind it will only take an even 2! :roll:
Nope. Will keep him for now..
The bonus requiring a legend is a relief for me.. week away from showdown.. yay

Yes...after 2 weeks of SD grind I welcome the break. Reward's back to generic 85, too.


All-Star 1
Legends have become expensive though

That?s my other option - buy a Legend with proceeds from Kyrie (assuming he sells). If I thought EA would keep the bonus the same all week OR not change requirements for a Legend mid-week, could be an easy SD week. Or I just take the week off like everyone else!


All-Star 3
Legends have become expensive though

That?s my other option - buy a Legend with proceeds from Kyrie (assuming he sells). If I thought EA would keep the bonus the same all week OR not change requirements for a Legend mid-week, could be an easy SD week. Or I just take the week off like everyone else!

Ya was thinking the same thing.. but don't know if any of the legends are worth the coin


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