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Storm & Surge Promos


Rookie 2
Can anyone tell me who was the base gold player in the promo for the C position on ‘Oneal? I can get the 104 version but I sold
Some golds earlier and I have no one at the bench to replace the 102 O’neal so I can claim his 104 version. Any help would be great. Thanks


All-Star 1
Can anyone tell me who was the base gold player in the promo for the C position on ‘Oneal? I can get the 104 version but I sold
Some golds earlier and I have no one at the bench to replace the 102 O’neal so I can claim his 104 version. Any help would be great. Thanks


Rookie 1
I got 104 Dwight but since I stopped grinding hard I won't be able to get a second 104 master. Since next promo should be similar to this one (same lineups and all that), do you think the tokens will be the same? So would it be wise to accumulate tokens from this promo to use them in the next?


Rookie 2
I got 104 Dwight but since I stopped grinding hard I won't be able to get a second 104 master. Since next promo should be similar to this one (same lineups and all that), do you think the tokens will be the same? So would it be wise to accumulate tokens from this promo to use them in the next?
Is it confirmed that next promo is same? I know the dates are all one month. But ea tends to do things weirdly too


Rookie 1
Can you please help me with this..I sold by mistake all the gold players and now I can’t replace Dwight so I can make him 104...what player I must buy to replace him.? Thnx a lot for the help..


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Is it confirmed that next promo is same? I know the dates are all one month. But ea tends to do things weirdly too
It should be the same but like you said it isn't uncommon for EA to lead us down a path that we know nothing about


Rookie 1
Can anyone tell me who was the base gold player in the promo for the C position on dwight Howard team? Thx a lot


Rookie 3
Can the collected tide and surge token be used for the next promo any idea???
Sets will stay after the promo so if you don’t need the players yet i guess it’s fine to hold them for now until they reveal the next promo/sets


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