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Storm & Surge Promos


Rookie 1
is a balanced lebron worth it?
Of course, no. Just couple of weeks ago people have been grinding wildly for 106 Kemp just to find out there's free 106 Bosh (who is even slightly better than Kemp) in a week. And you can tell the same story about any other card. In couple of weeks you would neither regret nor even remember about this card, therefore the obvious answer is no. The same applies to any other card in this game


Rookie 1
Of course, no. Just couple of weeks ago people have been grinding wildly for 106 Kemp just to find out there's free 106 Bosh (who is even slightly better than Kemp) in a week. And you can tell the same story about any other card. In couple of weeks you would neither regret nor even remember about this card, therefore the obvious answer is no. The same applies to any other card in this game

This is sad but unfortunately true... FACTS!!!
Of course, no. Just couple of weeks ago people have been grinding wildly for 106 Kemp just to find out there's free 106 Bosh (who is even slightly better than Kemp) in a week. And you can tell the same story about any other card. In couple of weeks you would neither regret nor even remember about this card, therefore the obvious answer is no. The same applies to any other card in this game

I disagree. If no card is quite worth the chase in this game, as you put it, then what’s the point of playing? My take is, balanced Lebron is attainable with zero cash spent and moderate effort (I’ve been averaging 110-115 tokens/day), so I don’t really see a downside here. What else are we supposed to do for 5 days in this game?


Rookie 1
I disagree. If no card is quite worth the chase in this game, as you put it, then what’s the point of playing? My take is, balanced Lebron is attainable with zero cash spent and moderate effort (I’ve been averaging 110-115 tokens/day), so I don’t really see a downside here. What else are we supposed to do for 5 days in this game?

Disagree with what? If you are going to play hours a day anyway, you wouldn't ask whether this card worth it - you will get it automatically, by just playing SD quarters. And when someone asks if the card WORTH it, he usually wants to know if going for this particular card worth sacrificing time with family, time in gym or whatever else he may want to do in that time. Hence the obvious answer is definitive no.

Let's see what your moderate effort really is. You can get 7.5 tokens from ads (if these are watchable for you), 7.5 tokens from store and 1.5 tokens from the icon that depicts typical EA developer. Let's say it's 17 tokens per day for free. You can also get 5 tokens from daily event, let's say it's free too, so you can get 22 tokens without any effort. Now there're another 27 tokens from blitzes, let's also call them effortless. Totaled up you can get 49 tokens without any effort (but sacrificing about 20 minutes, I guess).

To get 115 tokens per day you'll need another 66 tokens. Suppose you choose to play SD and you're not going to autoplay. Suppose you win every quarter. You still need to play 66 SD quarters and every quarter will take you about 4 minutes. So only SD will consume about 264 minutes (about 4.5 hours) of your precious time. Plus 20 minutes spent to get "effortless" tokens. Plus time to get Monthly Masters tokens, etc.

5 hours a day spent on this game? Moderate effort, seriosly? It's a full-time job with one exception -you get paid on your job and you get nothing playing the game.

Don't get me wrong - I used to be and, probably, am a grinder. And yes, i will get this f...king Lebron automatically by just playing SD. But I really believe that this is totally stupid and ridiculous to do that. No point in getting this card if to achieve that you are compelled to sacrifice anything more than masturbation. In couple of weeks you 'll be able to get another SF card that will be just as good as this one with REALLY moderate efforts. And if you need balanced 106 SF with ability that badly - just get Irving and that's it. The same shit.

Santoz pg

Rookie 1
Disagree with what? If you are going to play hours a day anyway, you wouldn't ask whether this card worth it - you will get it automatically, by just playing SD quarters. And when someone asks if the card WORTH it, he usually wants to know if going for this particular card worth sacrificing time with family, time in gym or whatever else he may want to do in that time. Hence the obvious answer is definitive no.

Let's see what your moderate effort really is. You can get 7.5 tokens from ads (if these are watchable for you), 7.5 tokens from store and 1.5 tokens from the icon that depicts typical EA developer. Let's say it's 17 tokens per day for free. You can also get 5 tokens from daily event, let's say it's free too, so you can get 22 tokens without any effort. Now there're another 27 tokens from blitzes, let's also call them effortless. Totaled up you can get 49 tokens without any effort (but sacrificing about 20 minutes, I guess).

To get 115 tokens per day you'll need another 66 tokens. Suppose you choose to play SD and you're not going to autoplay. Suppose you win every quarter. You still need to play 66 SD quarters and every quarter will take you about 4 minutes. So only SD will consume about 264 minutes (about 4.5 hours) of your precious time. Plus 20 minutes spent to get "effortless" tokens. Plus time to get Monthly Masters tokens, etc.

5 hours a day spent on this game? Moderate effort, seriosly? It's a full-time job with one exception -you get paid on your job and you get nothing playing the game.

Don't get me wrong - I used to be and, probably, am a grinder. And yes, i will get this f...king Lebron automatically by just playing SD. But I really believe that this is totally stupid and ridiculous to do that. No point in getting this card if to achieve that you are compelled to sacrifice anything more than masturbation. In couple of weeks you 'll be able to get another SF card that will be just as good as this one with REALLY moderate efforts. And if you need balanced 106 SF with ability that badly - just get Irving and that's it. The same shit.
I yes this card is a waste of time. I'm 105 but I can beat 107 line up which has 106 players,106 players are trash.
Disagree with what? If you are going to play hours a day anyway, you wouldn't ask whether this card worth it - you will get it automatically, by just playing SD quarters. And when someone asks if the card WORTH it, he usually wants to know if going for this particular card worth sacrificing time with family, time in gym or whatever else he may want to do in that time. Hence the obvious answer is definitive no.

Let's see what your moderate effort really is. You can get 7.5 tokens from ads (if these are watchable for you), 7.5 tokens from store and 1.5 tokens from the icon that depicts typical EA developer. Let's say it's 17 tokens per day for free. You can also get 5 tokens from daily event, let's say it's free too, so you can get 22 tokens without any effort. Now there're another 27 tokens from blitzes, let's also call them effortless. Totaled up you can get 49 tokens without any effort (but sacrificing about 20 minutes, I guess).

To get 115 tokens per day you'll need another 66 tokens. Suppose you choose to play SD and you're not going to autoplay. Suppose you win every quarter. You still need to play 66 SD quarters and every quarter will take you about 4 minutes. So only SD will consume about 264 minutes (about 4.5 hours) of your precious time. Plus 20 minutes spent to get "effortless" tokens. Plus time to get Monthly Masters tokens, etc.

5 hours a day spent on this game? Moderate effort, seriosly? It's a full-time job with one exception -you get paid on your job and you get nothing playing the game.

Don't get me wrong - I used to be and, probably, am a grinder. And yes, i will get this f...king Lebron automatically by just playing SD. But I really believe that this is totally stupid and ridiculous to do that. No point in getting this card if to achieve that you are compelled to sacrifice anything more than masturbation. In couple of weeks you 'll be able to get another SF card that will be just as good as this one with REALLY moderate efforts. And if you need balanced 106 SF with ability that badly - just get Irving and that's it. The same shit.

Since you asked, I disagree that the card isn’t worth it, but that’s my opinion and you’re certainly entitled to your own. Also disagree that the worth should be viewed relative to the opportunity cost of spending hours on the game versus doing something else with our time. If that were the comparison point, it goes without saying nothing in the game is “worth it”, right? Worth to me is determined by the cost/effort to get this card versus prior masters in the past that not only took hours of game play but real cash, nba cash, stamina packs, and other currency like warmup points.

Balanced Lebron can be had without any of those extra costs outside of time. And frankly, it’s highly likely that if you’re on this forum you are already spending hours on the game anyway. So, if you’re not playing SD or PVP to get promo tokens, again I ask, what else should we be spending time on in the game over 5 days? (Or do you suggest skipping the promo altogether?) maybe we should just kick back and appreciate the stellar game play NBALM has to offer?😜

BTW, in your calculation, you forgot the 2 tokens from daily LVL, 5 tokens from PVP 50 coin matches, plus several more from playing SD/season for normal daily objectives. That brings me to 55 - 60 tokens from normal activity. For the remaining tokens, it doesn’t get any easier to snag a 106 balanced master with clutch than auto playing SD throughout the day - with your daily allotment of stamina to boot.
You’d probably be better off spending five days sniping and reselling players to get the 7-8M in coins that balanced LeBron will cost at the end of the promo than you are grinding hours upon hours for tokens.

you’re probably right but I’ve Always been terrible at playing the AH to my advantage. Call me a masochist but I prefer subjecting myself to the hamster wheel that is the daily NBALM grind.


Rookie 2
Disagree with what? If you are going to play hours a day anyway, you wouldn't ask whether this card worth it - you will get it automatically, by just playing SD quarters. And when someone asks if the card WORTH it, he usually wants to know if going for this particular card worth sacrificing time with family, time in gym or whatever else he may want to do in that time. Hence the obvious answer is definitive no.

Let's see what your moderate effort really is. You can get 7.5 tokens from ads (if these are watchable for you), 7.5 tokens from store and 1.5 tokens from the icon that depicts typical EA developer. Let's say it's 17 tokens per day for free. You can also get 5 tokens from daily event, let's say it's free too, so you can get 22 tokens without any effort. Now there're another 27 tokens from blitzes, let's also call them effortless. Totaled up you can get 49 tokens without any effort (but sacrificing about 20 minutes, I guess).

To get 115 tokens per day you'll need another 66 tokens. Suppose you choose to play SD and you're not going to autoplay. Suppose you win every quarter. You still need to play 66 SD quarters and every quarter will take you about 4 minutes. So only SD will consume about 264 minutes (about 4.5 hours) of your precious time. Plus 20 minutes spent to get "effortless" tokens. Plus time to get Monthly Masters tokens, etc.

5 hours a day spent on this game? Moderate effort, seriosly? It's a full-time job with one exception -you get paid on your job and you get nothing playing the game.

Don't get me wrong - I used to be and, probably, am a grinder. And yes, i will get this f...king Lebron automatically by just playing SD. But I really believe that this is totally stupid and ridiculous to do that. No point in getting this card if to achieve that you are compelled to sacrifice anything more than masturbation. In couple of weeks you 'll be able to get another SF card that will be just as good as this one with REALLY moderate efforts. And if you need balanced 106 SF with ability that badly - just get Irving and that's it. The same shit.

Well the idea of this whole game is grind a master. Use it for 1 to 2 weeks. Becomes obsolete. Then grind the new master. Repeat.

So the idea is if you didn't grind. And got 105 LeBron. It's easier replaced. And will probably not last long before it gets to your bench.

If you grind hard to get 106 balanced. It might last a few weeks longer (since balanced can get you 3 lineups)

Now if you're talking about opportunity cost. It's really relative to your other activities. For example one person maybe using all of his free time on the game but another maybe a father who needs to spend time with kids. It's all relative.

But the nature of the game is really to grind (or buy) the best card. Have advantage for a few weeks. Then grind again.
Some people pay big money to get the best card. With full knowledge that the best card will no longer be best in a few weeks. To them it's worth it. To me it's not. It's really relative


Rookie 1
Since you asked, I disagree that the card isn’t worth it, but that’s my opinion and you’re certainly entitled to your own. Also disagree that the worth should be viewed relative to the opportunity cost of spending hours on the game versus doing something else with our time. If that were the comparison point, it goes without saying nothing in the game is “worth it”, right? Worth to me is determined by the cost/effort to get this card versus prior masters in the past that not only took hours of game play but real cash, nba cash, stamina packs, and other currency like warmup points.

Balanced Lebron can be had without any of those extra costs outside of time. And frankly, it’s highly likely that if you’re on this forum you are already spending hours on the game anyway. So, if you’re not playing SD or PVP to get promo tokens, again I ask, what else should we be spending time on in the game over 5 days? (Or do you suggest skipping the promo altogether?) maybe we should just kick back and appreciate the stellar game play NBALM has to offer?😜

BTW, in your calculation, you forgot the 2 tokens from daily LVL, 5 tokens from PVP 50 coin matches, plus several more from playing SD/season for normal daily objectives. That brings me to 55 - 60 tokens from normal activity. For the remaining tokens, it doesn’t get any easier to snag a 106 balanced master with clutch than auto playing SD throughout the day - with your daily allotment of stamina to boot.

Yes, I see your point and I can not say that I disagree. But I don't want to be misunderstood. I am not saying that you shouldn't get Lebron. I am not saying that you should skip the promo. No. I was trying to answer the specific question. For me, the question "Is balanced Lebron worth it" was supposed to mean something like this: "Do I have to chase balanced 106 version for extra 150 tokens, or should I be satisfied with Street 106 version that I can get in much more relaxed manner?" So I just answered in a way i believed was right. It is nothing more than my own opinion, of course.

Also, I don't think, that this Lebron is actually the most efficient from the cost/effort point of view. And I honestly believe that in two or three weeks we'll be able to get cards just as good (even better, actually) as this one at the lower cost.

And I didn't forget about LVL or Arena. The thing is, if we talk about time needed to play the event, LVL isn't much better than SD quarter, and PVP is way worse than SD.
Yes, I see your point and I can not say that I disagree. But I don't want to be misunderstood. I am not saying that you shouldn't get Lebron. I am not saying that you should skip the promo. No. I was trying to answer the specific question. For me, the question "Is balanced Lebron worth it" was supposed to mean something like this: "Do I have to chase balanced 106 version for extra 150 tokens, or should I be satisfied with Street 106 version that I can get in much more relaxed manner?" So I just answered in a way i believed was right. It is nothing more than my own opinion, of course.

Also, I don't think, that this Lebron is actually the most efficient from the cost/effort point of view. And I honestly believe that in two or three weeks we'll be able to get cards just as good (even better, actually) as this one at the lower cost.

And I didn't forget about LVL or Arena. The thing is, if we talk about time needed to play the event, LVL isn't much better than SD quarter, and PVP is way worse than SD.

yeah I Totally get it. I did a rough calculation in my head also at the start of the promo and decided I’d grind it out a little bit harder for this one to try to reach for balanced LBJ, but other promos I might decide to settle for the second or third Best available option, knowing that I’d like to save my currency and time and, like you said, wait for a comparable card to become available in a few weeks for much less effort.


Rookie 1
Well the idea of this whole game is grind a master. Use it for 1 to 2 weeks. Becomes obsolete. Then grind the new master. Repeat.

So the idea is if you didn't grind. And got 105 LeBron. It's easier replaced. And will probably not last long before it gets to your bench.

If you grind hard to get 106 balanced. It might last a few weeks longer (since balanced can get you 3 lineups)

Now if you're talking about opportunity cost. It's really relative to your other activities. For example one person maybe using all of his free time on the game but another maybe a father who needs to spend time with kids. It's all relative.

But the nature of the game is really to grind (or buy) the best card. Have advantage for a few weeks. Then grind again.
Some people pay big money to get the best card. With full knowledge that the best card will no longer be best in a few weeks. To them it's worth it. To me it's not. It's really relative

Sorry to say that, but I see it differently. Idea of the game is ... game. You play it because you like to play it. Masters, shmasters are just auxiliary tools since it is more enjoyable to play with a good players.

But what you say is really interesting, very interesting. I don't believe in existence of the "best card" (or best cards). I don't think that 106 Lebron is better, for example, than 105 Siakam from All Stars Promo. What does "better' mean in this context after all? Also, I don't think so called "best cards" actually give you any noticeable advantage at all. Of course, i'm not talking about 90 ovr player vs 106 ovr player or something in that style. But in what way, for example, 105 Kemba Walker is better than 104 Curry (whichever of them) or 105 MM Griffin is better than 103 Giannis from All Star (or any card else vs any other card else) is beyond my imagination

Santoz pg

Rookie 1
Sorry to say that, but I see it differently. Idea of the game is ... game. You play it because you like to play it. Masters, shmasters are just auxiliary tools since it is more enjoyable to play with a good players.

But what you say is really interesting, very interesting. I don't believe in existence of the "best card" (or best cards). I don't think that 106 Lebron is better, for example, than 105 Siakam from All Stars Promo. What does "better' mean in this context after all? Also, I don't think so called "best cards" actually give you any noticeable advantage at all. Of course, i'm not talking about 90 ovr player vs 106 ovr player or something in that style. But in what way, for example, 105 Kemba Walker is better than 104 Curry (whichever of them) or 105 MM Griffin is better than 103 Giannis from All Star (or any card else vs any other card else) is beyond my imagination
yeah no better cards coz cards comes every week you can spend sleepless nights trying to get balanced cards then after your done EA will release another best card. For example by the time we hit 115 people will not enjoy their 115 players EA will shut down by the next 4weeks and we wait for the next season. So all I can say is enjoy games with players that you have. If you feel you want to gride just do it. Just do what makes you happy. You can be 105 and beat 107 so bad.


Rookie 3
Do you get the 105 Vince Carter if one either the Storm or Surge lineup is 105ovr, or do they both need to be 105?

And how do you claim him?


Rookie 1
Do you get the 105 Vince Carter if one either the Storm or Surge lineup is 105ovr, or do they both need to be 105?

And how do you claim him?
U only need one lineup to be 105 and when u hit 105 u get Vince that very moment


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