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[Seeking Help] North Pole Promo Strategy


All-Star 1
My crude math tells me that you can get 2 masters if you can complete close to 100 blitz events everyday for the next 17 days straight


Rookie 1
Ah ok i misunderstood the spreadsheet, so you train the players to 89, then having an 83 ovr unlocks the 90 masters and it costs 100000 coins to train the 90 to 91


Rookie 1
So it costs 292250 coins to get 1 player to 89 OVR. Has anyone worked out the minimum coin cost to get an 83 ovr team?
To get an 83 OVR lineup you need to train your five starters to an 86. Here are a few pics of someone who's had an 83 and an 85 OVR lineup.




Rookie 1
So using Commondjapan's tactic of getting the bench to 79 and starters to 86, the costs look like this, assuming you're going from the very beginning

44750 to get each bench player to 79 = 223750 for all 5 players
103750 to get each starter to 86 = 518750 for all 5 players

Total coins for 83 OVR lineup = 742500

It may be slightly less as i think one of the players gets a + 1 to OVR from the coach


Rookie 2

Source: reddit

Tried to crunch the numbers:
To get one 90 master, we need an 83 lineup.
Since the bench is at 79, we need 5 elites trained from 80 to 86

Coins to get one elite to 86:
5000 + 6250 + 7500 + 15000 + 22500 + 37500 = 93750

Training points to get one elite
2000 + 2500 + 3000 + 6000 + 9000 + 15000 = 37500

Multiplying each number by 5 and we get:
Coins: 468,750
TP: 187,500
Training tokens: 1,875

1. this is damn expensive!
2. this is a hell of a grind:
  • Assuming we have 3 weeks in this promo (do we?) we'll need about 90 training tokens a days.
  • It is possible, but not easy.
  • Hard for the FTP to get even one master

Hope I got it right...


All-Star 3
Even if it takes 500k for one 90 isnt it worth it.. the problem is not that.. its for the f2p who domt have that sort of coin and the promo structured in a way that theres no way to earn coin.. so even though i might get one or more 90s bcz i have some coin.. for the vast majority this seems like a really weak promo..
Magic progress.. got the 90 magic today after buying the weekly pass twice (saved up cash).. alt still havent reached 86 so there is a huge difference in the grinds..but atleast no coin loss ..
The promo lasts for another 17 days.

If you need 1875 tokens to get a 90 master and the average blitz event gives you 3 tokens then you will need to use 920k stamina per day. You just need to devote all your stamina to it.


Rookie 1
The promo lasts for another 17 days.

If you need 1875 tokens to get a 90 master and the average blitz event gives you 3 tokens then you will need to use 920k stamina per day. You just need to devote all your stamina to it.

I guess less than that because you get first wins for the 5 events every 6 hours? And also the occasional training token in the free strore packs and daily objective completion pack
The promo lasts for another 17 days.

If you need 1875 tokens to get a 90 master and the average blitz event gives you 3 tokens then you will need to use 920k stamina per day. You just need to devote all your stamina to it.

Where did you see that NP last another 17 days? Jenny (from EA) confirmed on reddit it's set to end on the 24th.

Maybe you meant the "holiday" promo in general, but Brian told us last week we had 1/8 for Magic


All-Star 1
The promo lasts for another 17 days.

If you need 1875 tokens to get a 90 master and the average blitz event gives you 3 tokens then you will need to use 920k stamina per day. You just need to devote all your stamina to it.

Where did you see that NP last another 17 days? Jenny (from EA) confirmed on reddit it's set to end on the 24th.

Maybe you meant the "holiday" promo in general, but Brian told us last week we had 1/8 for Magic

There's a timer on the lineup page when you look at the NP lineup that shows 2 weeks 3 days. Idk how or why anything would end on the 24th.
It ends on December 31 maintenance time. New Years promo starts on December 31 midnight.

Also, if you need coins for this promo and have some base elites, you should sell them now, since the np elites will replace them on your lineups benches.

I just sold a base 80 Taddeus Young for 145k.


All-Star 1
Yeah, that EA rep on Reddit doesn't know what she's talking about. She tried to say the NP promo ends before the 24th "saying that there's no training ornaments in presents bc the promo ends before we can open the presents". That's so EA to have a new community rep giving out bad information.


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