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[Seeking Help] North Pole Promo Strategy


All-Star 1
Man I wish they were auctionable, o well

Brian just said the Frozen Elites will be auctionable on Jan 5th.

Why the heck would you not tell ppl that In-Game? Ppl will exchange them for ornaments thinking that's the only use. I don't get EA & their secrecy


Rookie 1
Is there a way to just get North Pole players? instead of training a player from 55ovr? theres gotta be an elite North Pole players we can get to speed up the process or perhaps EA will drop a Different pack to get North Pole players to put on ur team?

From my understanding Frozen Elites does not go to the North Pole lineup?


Rookie 1
Guys, I know it?s early, but does this promo worth the grind?

I have minimal coins, I don?t know If I can cope up the ?draining of coins? while grinding this promo.

How much it will cost us to get at least one Master?

Can somebody tell me if it?s worth it.

I?m at 62 ovr.
Guys, I know it?s early, but does this promo worth the grind?

I have minimal coins, I don?t know If I can cope up the ?draining of coins? while grinding this promo.

How much it will cost us to get at least one Master?

Can somebody tell me if it?s worth it.

I?m at 62 ovr.

It's cost me something like 50k to train up to a 76, with the jump up to elite players I think you could get to an 83 (and get the first master) for around 200k or less maybe, that seems worth it to me.


Rookie 1
The coin cost is directly proportionate to the TP cost. It costs 250 coins for every 100 TP needed to level-up a player. This seems to be the case for all the silvers, golds, and elites, but I'm not sure about the masters.

Obviously that's going to be a problem for anyone who wasn't sitting on at least a few hundred thousand coins. I don't have it in me to do all the math, but I've already spent around 70k today and my NP lineup is only at a 74.
200k for a master is pretty cheap, unless you're a new player. I sold 3 80-83 elites today and almost made that amount of coins.

Training the 90 master is gonna be really hard LOL, and who knows if worthy.


All-Star 3
200k for a master is pretty cheap, unless you're a new player. I sold 3 80-83 elites today and almost made that amount of coins.

Training the 90 master is gonna be really hard LOL, and who knows if worthy.
If u get a master in a day or two.. and u still have 2 weeks to train them ( plus we still dont know what coal does and what gifts are there) it should be easy to get them to 91
Is there a way to do the north pole events and get to 88 ovr lineup without spending money on cash

My guess would be no. I haven't done the math but EA is starting to make the top end cards in promos out of reach for f2p, so that those that do spend can feel like they are getting value for their money. Kind of sucks, but it is what it is. People love posting their "#nomoneyspent" lineups in various places, especially ones that EA checks. So, naturally EA will say "Hmm, maybe we are allowing no money players to get too much" and they adjust and here we are,


All-Star 3


All-Star 1
I just saw that. Not feeling all warm & fuzzy anymore. May be possible to get 2 masters. Trying to work out the math. Or maybe 1 Master & try to max him out


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