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Season 4 details

Steve Rogers

Rookie 2
What do you guys think about morant?i know we can use these superstars in multi year lineup but by the time they are high enough for MY lineup it gonna take some time,so isnt the best option to start building from pg or sg because they are main manual attacking force and judging by rookie morant from this season,he could be good...6.5' pg with high speed and good shooting ability doesnt seems like a bad choice


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
What do you guys think about morant?i know we can use these superstars in multi year lineup but by the time they are high enough for MY lineup it gonna take some time,so isnt the best option to start building from pg or sg because they are main manual attacking force and judging by rookie morant from this season,he could be good...6.5' pg with high speed and good shooting ability doesnt seems like a bad choice
We have to wait to see the stats it seems like QJB may make test videos of all the superstars so seeing the stats and how each ability works will help you and everyone that sees the videos choose who they want before we have to lock in our choice


Rookie 1
Has anyone found out how to unlock Giannis?

Even though all players are "unlocked", and you will earn shards for all of them throughout the new season, the pack you open in the beginning of the season focuses on shards of the player you've picked during the draft.

Do i have to push to 105K in draft points?


All-Star 3
Has anyone found out how to unlock Giannis?

Even though all players are "unlocked", and you will earn shards for all of them throughout the new season, the pack you open in the beginning of the season focuses on shards of the player you've picked during the draft.

Do i have to push to 105K in draft points?
At 105k u get a mystery gift.. every 5k basically .. I'm guessing it's going to be a premium/pro pack or shards..
Maybe we have to unlock all of them to get Giannis?


Rookie 1
At 105k u get a mystery gift.. every 5k basically .. I'm guessing it's going to be a premium/pro pack or shards..
Maybe we have to unlock all of them to get Giannis?

That's what i'm hoping for.

At this point it will cost me 7-8 Highlight tokens to get there.

I might as well.


Rookie 2
guys, what do you think about the game arcade vs realistic trend?

I mean, in S1 it was the occasional ability; in S3 we finished with everyone having abilities all over. in PvP abilities rule and I get a feeling in S4 the trend is gonna get even further with all these new abilities and their extreme-complex conditions...


All-Star 1
guys, what do you think about the game arcade vs realistic trend?

I mean, in S1 it was the occasional ability; in S3 we finished with everyone having abilities all over. in PvP abilities rule and I get a feeling in S4 the trend is gonna get even further with all these new abilities and their extreme-complex conditions...
Well, they've gotta do something right? I mean, they show neither the desire or the ability to fix simple gameplay issues and make it realistic. So then the only logical direction is to make it super arcade style


All-Star 3
guys, what do you think about the game arcade vs realistic trend?

I mean, in S1 it was the occasional ability; in S3 we finished with everyone having abilities all over. in PvP abilities rule and I get a feeling in S4 the trend is gonna get even further with all these new abilities and their extreme-complex conditions...
end of seaosn 1 was when it started.. all the players had double abilities.. was a regular cluch fest.. realtively they have mixed it up more now with more in the paint and buzzer..
the worst part is they decrease the chances of open 3s going in, increase the chances of AI 3s going in forcing us to turn towards abilities...


Rookie 2
Best part was that most of his "Brick wall" attempts with Davis resulted into offensive rebounds that the opponent scored.
yes, this brick wall feature just outlines the offensive rebounding everlasting issue. seems like davis is not the best choice...


Rookie 2
Well, they've gotta do something right? I mean, they show neither the desire or the ability to fix simple gameplay issues and make it realistic. So then the only logical direction is to make it super arcade style
i don't know, i guess i was hoping some desire or ability. it has been 3 years after all..


Rookie 2
end of seaosn 1 was when it started.. all the players had double abilities.. was a regular cluch fest.. realtively they have mixed it up more now with more in the paint and buzzer..
the worst part is they decrease the chances of open 3s going in, increase the chances of AI 3s going in forcing us to turn towards abilities...
yeah man. I'm afraid S4 is going to look like an arms race of abilities.


Rookie 2
Also: ZION's 'anti gravity' seems like 'in the paint'. only diff is that the latter was timed while 'anti gravity' requires 4 shots to load.
would love to see Luka or Embiid game play as well


Pro 1
  1. So what's gonna happen when Davis has "guarantee miss" while Embiid has its unicorn and/or Luka has its clutch?

Apparently AD will be able to block the others unless the ability description specifically says it is 'unblockable'.


Pro 2
Hmm wow. So that will come in handy as buzzer beaters kryptonite
I’m a little confused. He has to be defending the shooter, right? Even in manual switch that can be a bit hard sometimes. Now if he can block/ cause a miss On any shot anywhere on the court, that’s kinda bullshit if you ask me.


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