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Season 4 Bug/Glitch Thread


Rookie 1
I already unlocked Chapter 7, but it's still locked. Do I have to purchase the Chapter Unlock Bonus Bundle just to force it to unlock?
I already sold my Chapter 7 token thinking everything is fine (like the last 6 Chapters).

Please share tips on how to unlock it. Is this something I should report already to EA?


Pro 2
I already unlocked Chapter 7, but it's still locked. Do I have to purchase the Chapter Unlock Bonus Bundle just to force it to unlock?
I already sold my Chapter 7 token thinking everything is fine (like the last 6 Chapters).

Please share tips on how to unlock it. Is this something I should report already to EA?
I believe they decide when they want to release it. So for now sit back and relax with some seasons and SD with Arena. 👍


Rookie 1
Post your bug/glitch findings here

I am facing this problem from 2.5 months approx.

The campaigns for ss/ ld/ street
When ever the new campaign starts there are 6 games out of which 4 are already played and it shows a win symbol, I haven't played those games.
So m left with only 2 games one of which is via warmup points.

I have cleard cache / re installed game nothing works????


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I am facing this problem from 2.5 months approx.

The campaigns for ss/ ld/ street
When ever the new campaign starts there are 6 games out of which 4 are already played and it shows a win symbol, I haven't played those games.
So m left with only 2 games one of which is via warmup points.

I have cleard cache / re installed game nothing works????
It does that because it opens one a day


All-Star 1
Yes agreed
I was talking about the opening day.
The first day when all the games shall be unplayed.
Mine shows already played and rewards earned before hand
You’re saying the same thing. They shortened the rotation of these events and since then only one or two (warmup) show up each day as unplayed. It’s this way for everyone.


Rookie 1
You’re saying the same thing. They shortened the rotation of these events and since then only one or two (warmup) show up each day as unplayed. It’s this way for everyone.

See I will explain
Suppose street event ends and lockdown starts, so the lockdown event shall allow us to play all individual 6 games for the first time, then after 2 games until the event ends.

For me with the fresh start of lockdown , 4 out of 6 games already shows played even thoh I have not played them.

This happens wen ever the event


All-Star 1
See I will explain
Suppose street event ends and lockdown starts, so the lockdown event shall allow us to play all individual 6 games for the first time, then after 2 games until the event ends.

For me with the fresh start of lockdown , 4 out of 6 games already shows played even thoh I have not played them.

This happens wen ever the event
There is no “fresh” start. Every style only allows 1 stamina free event and sometimes a first win warmup each day (I think regardless if you played the event the day before or not but not sure). Anyway, the part you’re missing is when the event switches play styles, everyone only has one (or two as mentioned) event unplayed.


Rookie 1
There is no “fresh” start. Every style only allows 1 stamina free event and sometimes a first win warmup each day (I think regardless if you played the event the day before or not but not sure). Anyway, the part you’re missing is when the event switches play styles, everyone only has one (or two as mentioned) event unplayed.
thank you


Rookie 1
My game is running very good playing every types of games but opening pack and change squad players is very slow. Is the anything that I can do to improve that?
I am running the game on a Oneplus 3T


Rookie 3
I constantly get these weird glitches where one of the homescreens is shown over an active game. Controls still work, points are still counted, but I can’t see shit.

Anyone else getting these?


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Rookie 3
It now happens in literally every single thing I play. Showdown, season, campaign.

The game is pretty much unplayable now


Rookie 3
still got the background of the homescreen overlayed on everything. I can't play a single thing in this bug riddled game!


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